
Discussion Board GRAD

Discussion Board (DB) Participation Rubric
Discussion boards (DBs) are what make an online course a course and not an independent study.
DBs are vital to demonstrating that the learner has met the expected course level outcomes.
Collaboration between peers and your instructor in the DB is an important aspect of the online learning experience and is expected in the course.
Any exceptions to the following DB rubric will be at the instructor’s discretion.
The purpose of a DB is to stimulate critical thinking in a scholarly manner.
Critical thinking consists of synthesis, creating solutions, application to real world situations, and testing, debating, and defending evidence-based solutions.
Critical thinking is not repetition of assigned reading material. Outside research of the literature is a vital part of the DB.
Posts need to be substantive. This means that responses such as “I agree” or “great post” do not meet grading rubric requirements.
Initial posts for each discussion question (DQ) is due no later than Saturday of the unit week.
The initial post must be an answer to the DQ topic, not a comment on other posts. Initial posts for each DB must also include a minimum of three peer-reviewed citations.
Citations must include outside sources and no more than one citation from assigned course readings may be used each week.
While the discussion board tool limits the ability to use APA formatting (e.g., hanging indents), posts must include the required elements of an APA in-text citation and list of references.
Inappropriate Below Average Average Above Average Score Weight Final Score
1 2 3 4
Initial post timeliness Provides an initial post on or after Sunday. N/A N/A Provides an initial post by Saturday. 15% 0.00
Additional comment requirement Does not post responses to others. Posts one comment per Discussion topic. Posts 2 comments per Discussion topic on separate days. At least one comment includes a citation. Posts 2 comments per Discussion topic on separate days (resulting in total participation on three different days throughout the discussion). At least two comments include a citation. 10% 0.00
Engagement N/A Participates, but does not post anything that encourages others to respond to the posting. Attempts to motivate the group discussion. Frequently attempts to motivate the group discussion. 5% 0.00
Content Quality Initial Response Submission does not relate to the topic. Answers some question/topics with some clearly stated opinions. Supports post using text only. Answers all questions with opinions and ideas that are stated clearly. Supports post using text and at least two peer-reviewed sources. Answers all questions with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources. 35% 0.00
APA Format Major errors or no APA format used. Minor errors with APA format. Rare errors with APA format. No errors with APA format. 10% 0.00
Grammar/ Formatting/ Mechanics
Significant errors in spelling and/or grammar. Major flaws in writing mechanics and formatting. Poor spelling and grammar are apparent. Uses Standard American English with rare errors and misspellings. Consistently uses Standard American English with no misspellings. Appropriate mechanics and formatting. 10% 0.00
Length Submission does not meet length requirements. N/A N/A The initial post is at least 200 words. This does not include repeating the DB question or the citations and references. 15% 0.00
100% 0.00
Final Score 0
Percentage ERROR:#DIV/0!
Total available points = 4
Instructions: First enter total points possible in cell C15, under the rubric. Next enter scores (between 0 and 4) into yellow cells only in column F.
Rubric Score Grade points Percentage
Low High Low High Low High
3.5 4.0 0 0 90% 100%
2.5 3.49 0 0 80% 89.99%
1.7 2.49 0 0 70% 79.99%
0.0 1.00 0 0 0 69.99%

Case 14

See attached report.

Discussion Post- Presentation Reflection

Please answer the questions below on regards of   

Inadequate Pain Management in Postoperative Patients

  1. Regarding your presentation assignment, what did you learn about the research project?
  2. Would you have approached the assignment differently? Why or why not?


Submission Instructions:

  • Post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. 


Week 4
Nathan Scott Wende

All Sec�ons

Hi everyone-

I hope everything is going well. This week we will be working on the GI system. There is an
assignment this week as you will be writing a paper on a scenario. I will say that there could be a
few different diagnoses that this could be, however, I am looking more for signs that you choose a
diagnosis and can support that based on your research. And as always, I will be looking for solid
medication recommendations.

Please use the following case for your paper:

DC is a 46-year-old female who presents with a 24-hour history of RUQ pain. She states the pain
started about 1 hour after a large dinner she had with her family. She has had nausea and on
instance of vomiting before presentation.

PMH: Vitals:

HTN Temp: 98.8oF

Type II DM Wt: 202 lbs

Gout Ht: 5’8”

DVT – Caused by oral BCPs BP: 136/82

HR: 82 bpm

Current Medications: Notable Labs:

Lisinopril 10 mg daily WBC: 13,000/mm3

HCTZ 25 mg daily Total bilirubin: 0.8 mg/dL

Allopurinol 100 mg daily Direct bilirubin: 0.6 mg/dL

Multivitamin daily Alk Phos: 100 U/L

AST: 45 U/L

ALT: 30 U/L


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Eyes: EOMI

HENT: Normal

GI:bNondistended, minimal tenderness

Skin:bWarm and dry

Neuro: Alert and Oriented

Psych:bAppropriate mood

Talk to you all soon!


Unread  

Nursing NUR 445 – Week 6 Assignment: Case Study Part I

This week, you will complete Case Study Part 1:

SECTION 1 BACKGROUND: IDENTIFYING A PROBLEM Eleanor is a 52-year-old patient who has had a hip replacement 1 day ago who is on your assigned patient care team. You complete patient care rounds and assess Eleanor’s vital signs, comfort level, intravenous (IV) site and wound dressing. Eleanor has an IV for fluid replacement and medication administration. She also has an indwelling urinary catheter. She tells you that her pain level is a 4 out of 10 and she is reluctant to move around because of the pain. You know that the patient’s pain control is a high priority and that the physician ordered the indwelling urinary catheter until the patient is able to get out of bed easily and tolerate fluids. The urinary catheter is convenient in that the patient will not experience pain getting up to the bathroom and it provides an accurate measurement of output. On the other hand, you know that the longer the indwelling urinary catheter is in place, the higher the risk of an infection. You ask a trusted senior nurse when is the right time to remove the catheter since Eleanor is now tolerating ice chips. The senior nurse tells you that the catheter is usually kept until the patient is able to get up and ambulate independently. You wonder if there are any contraindications or problems with removing Eleanor’s indwelling catheter now. You decide to follow the senior nurse’s advice, leaving the indwelling urinary catheter in place and reevaluate for removal in the morning. 

SECTION II BACKGROUND: INTERPROFESSIONAL TEAMS AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT This section is focused on the identification of a clinical problem and the steps of forming an interprofessional team to work on fixing the problem. The intent is to understand who are the stakeholders for this problem and the importance of engaging stakeholders in the quality improvement (QI) project. Examine the problem of CAUTIs holistically to identify stakeholders. You return to work the next day to learn that Eleanor has a low-grade fever of 99.8° F that was reported to the physician. The physician ordered an immediate urine culture and removal of the catheter the previous afternoon. The urine culture was positive for Escherichia coli, representing the presence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). During the bedside report, you find that although Eleanor states she is tired, she is able to get up to the bathroom with a walker independently. She is also tolerating oral fluids and foods. The presence of the CAUTI bothered you enough that you spoke to your Unit Director about looking into evidence-based interventions to reduce CAUTIs. The Unit Director tells you that the rate of CAUTIs for the medical–surgical unit has steadily risen over the past year and the monthly total is twice the number from 2 years ago. You volunteer to convene a committee to work on the problem. Your first step is to identify others who should be on your team. You know that the stakeholders are individuals who influence or are influenced by the clinical problem under investigation. Review the discussion on stakeholders in Chapter 15 for guidance on selecting appropriate stakeholders. 

SECTION III BACKGROUND: LEADING A QI TEAM This section is focused on power gradients and leadership styles within an interprofessional team. Consider how to lead a team consisting of various healthcare professionals. You identified a variety of interprofessionals to include on your committee including two direct care nurses from the medical–surgical unit, one nurse from the operating room, two certified nurse assistants, a nurse supervisor, a physician, the medical–surgical clinical nurse specialist, a pharmacist, a laboratory representative, and a dietician. You feel that these individuals clearly represent all aspects of patient care. Review the information on communicating within a team and with different power gradients in Chapter 8. By working closely with the clinical nurse specialist (CNS), you are able to convene a meeting of the team.

Download and complete Case Study Part I Worksheet Download Case Study Part I Worksheet

Submit your completed Case Study Part I worksheet and its attachments into the drop box as one attachment. 

In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products.

 In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products. 


Student Instructions for i-Human Virtual Simulation

NR325/NR330 Maggie Naganashe Scenario 2


The following information is to be used in guiding your preparation and participation in the virtual simulation scenario for this course. This document will provide applicable course outcomes in preparation for your simulation.


Maggie Naganashe is a 62-year-old American Indian female with chronic renal failure. She also has a 15-year history of type II diabetes mellitus and a history of hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. She lives on an American Indian reservation and is a proud member of the Odawa tribe. Mrs. Naganashe reports that she was unable to go to her dialysis treatment this week because her husband had to use their only car for a job interview. She was admitted for shortness of breath, swelling, weight gain and fatigue.


1. Utilize clinical reasoning skills to perform a health history and physical assessment on an adult patient. (CO 1, 2, 3, 4)

2. Construct a plan of care based by prioritizing assessment findings and nursing diagnoses (CO 4, 5, 6, 7)

3. Evaluate patient outcomes to determine the effectiveness of nursing interventions and need for ongoing care (CO 4, 8)

4. Communicate and collaborate with the patient, family, and interdisciplinary healthcare team members (CO 3, 6)


You are the staff nurse at the hospital who will be conducting a comprehensive assessment. After completing your assessment, you are expected to document your findings as a nurse’s note in SBAR format.


· As the nurse, you are expected to complete the case scenario using the following tabs: EHR, History, Physical, Analyze, Actions, Nursing Notes, Summary

· There are required questions and/or additional information provided related to this case. The questions, information, and videos must be completed/reviewed prior to progressing to the next tab.

· Nursing Notes: At the end of the simulation, you will document your assessment findings using ISBAR.


To preserve the educational value, integrity, and safety of the learning environment, you agree to maintain strict confidentiality about the proceedings of the simulation session, details of the training scenarios and the performance of all participants. You acknowledge that this expectation aligns with the guidelines related to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as well as laws governing Protected Health Information (PHI) in client care environments.  You will not view, discuss, share, record or disclose any confidential information pertaining to the session. You understand that lapses in confidentiality are considered academic misconduct and could result in dismissal from the academic program. 


You will suspend judgment of realism for any given simulation in exchange for the promise of learning new knowledge and skills, treating the simulated patients with the same care due an actual patient, act with a genuine desire to learn even when it may be difficult to do so.  


The virtual simulation is assigned to be completed during

Week 4
prior to your scheduled debriefing with faculty/peers.


· Pre-simulation preparation: 30-60 minutes

· Pre-brief: 15 minutes

· Run Time: 2.75 hours

· Debriefing: 60 minutes


Faculty will utilize your participation measurements in the i-Human case, and debriefing discussions to identify areas of opportunity for enhancement of your clinical growth. Your experiences in i-Human will contribute to your overall completion of clinical requirements for the course as documented on the Clinical Learning Evaluation tool.

i-Human Evaluation – What does my total score mean?


In order to prepare for the simulation, you are
required to complete the pre-simulation questions below and submit this prework to the faculty via uploading your responses in Canvas prior to the start of the virtual simulation. If you do not complete the pre-simulation questions and upload them, you will

be able to access or participate in the simulation.

1. Describe the fluid and electrolyte imbalance that occur with chronic renal failure.

2. What are key patient education concepts related to chronic kidney disease?

3. Explore the CDC Tribal Data, Information, and Resources at
www.cdc.gov/tribal/data-resources and read the following article.

Mitchell, F. (2012). Reframing diabetes in American Indian communities: A social determinants of health perspective.
Health & Social Work, 37(2):71–79.

[Note: This article can be located through the Chamberlain University Library.]

4. Describe risk factors and conditions that lead to health disparities for American Indians.

Immediately following the completion of the virtual simulation, you will complete the evaluation of the simulation using the link provided.

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Unit 11 Medications for Pain Management. Peer Response Due 11-14-23. 800w. 4 references


Unit 11 – Discussion Medications for Pain Management.



Course Number and Title



Concerns about the use of opioids for pain management

Many parties are concerned about the use of opioids for pain management because that which makes them effective also makes them dangerous. Opioids work by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and incite a pleasurable sensation while dulling pain when they bind to receptors in the brain. However, opioids have a pleasurable, tempting effect for some, and their continuous use has a high risk of leading to misuse, abuse, and eventual addiction. At higher doses, opioids can cause fatal heart rate and respiration slowdowns, whereas, at lower dosages, they may only make patients drowsy. Increased attention has been brought about by the increasing incidence of opioid use disorder and the related health effects. Opioids are useful for numbing pain, but they have a double-edged impact since they may also cause tolerance, physical dependency, and addiction.

Furthermore, opioid overdose has elevated to a serious public health emergency, grabbing the attention of governments and medical professionals everywhere. Because of the rising death rates associated with opioid overdoses, with over 75% of overdose cases related to opioids in 2021 (CDC, 2021), the U.S. government, in particular, has taken the lead in fighting the opioid crisis. The illegal usage of synthetic opioids like fentanyl has contributed significantly to the rise in opioid overdose mortality observed in recent years. The American government has responded by enacting several laws, tightening prescription regulations, boosting access to alternative medication, and expanding the availability of addiction treatment programs. These efforts indicate a thorough effort to address the many problems related to the use of opioids in pain treatment.

Article “America’s opioid crisis: the need for an integrated public health approach”

The article presents a timely and comprehensive understanding of the opioid crisis in the U.S. and the need for a comprehensive approach to address the crisis. I agree with the article’s overall premise of the vital necessity of implementing an integrated public health strategy to successfully address this issue, particularly in light of the ongoing rise in overdose fatalities and the fall in life expectancy. Notably, I also think it is necessary to use a collaborative approach across different disciplines, such as neuroscience, pharmacology, epidemiology, treatment services, and prevention, and to integrate interventions across diverse settings for a holistic response.

The article highlights four interrelated themes that encompass the essential elements of a successful public health strategy: bridging the gap between implementation science and practice, person-centered approaches for prevention and treatment, social determinants of health and disease, and using data to build learning systems of care. These topics highlight how important it is to address the intricate relationships between biological and social elements and how development affects brain function and sensitivity to outside stimuli. However, one aspect I would add to the article is to emphasize the role that the pharmaceutical industry, companies, and the drive for profit played in the development and severity of the crisis. It is well-documented that companies such as Purdue Pharma marketed opioids aggressively and had sale agents and sponsored doctors who pushed for more prescriptions; this started the cycle of addiction (Arteaga et al., 2021). Therefore, any comprehensive approach to address the opioid crisis requires new legislation that prevents companies from pushing prescriptions for profit.

Disorders commonly associated with patients who also need pain relief

The demand for pain relief and mental health concerns frequently coexist, complicating healthcare situations. Depression and chronic pain are commonly associated and co-occur with anxiety in people with chronic pain problems (Murez, 2021). Psychological and physical distress co-occurrence can intensify pain perception and impede efficient treatment. Because of the complex relationship that exists between depression and chronic pain, treating both conditions at the same time requires an integrated strategy. The co-occurrence of anxiety disorders and chronic pain issues is another significant correlation. Anxiety can cause increased pain sensitivity and intensify one’s subjective perception of pain (Harvard Health Publishing, 2021). Additionally, it may exacerbate avoidance habits, preventing patients from participating in physical therapy or other non-pharmacological pain relief techniques.


The Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) is a standardized metric used in the healthcare industry to quantify the strength and equivalence of different opioid drugs and facilitate simpler comparisons of their effects. When opioid doses must be translated to a standard measure for safety, effectiveness, and regulatory considerations, the MME is very helpful in clinical practice and research. An opioid’s potency in relation to a standard, usually morphine, is represented by a conversion factor, which is applied to determine the MME for a particular opioid. A uniform metric helps assess and compare the various amounts of opioids patients are given, facilitating safer and more effective pain management.

Since MME gives medical providers a common standard to discuss and track opioid doses, it is crucial to reduce the dangers associated with opioid medication. Because it enables a more thorough assessment of a patient’s opioid regimen, this method also helps lower the risk of an opioid overdose. In addition to being beneficial for healthcare professionals, MME is also a crucial instrument for legislators, allowing them to create policies and rules that promote safer prescription practices.


Arteaga, C., Barone, V., Lleras-Muney, A., Reber, S., Maclean, C., Aslan, M., Kroft, K., Zarate, R., Weisburst, E., Van Effenterre, C., & Price, D. (2021).
The Opioid Epidemic: Causes and Consequences.

Blanco, C., Wiley, T. R. A., Lloyd, J. J., Lopez, M. F., & Volkow, N. D. (2020). America’s opioid crisis: the need for an integrated public health approach.
Translational Psychiatry,

Centers for Disease Control. (2021).
Understanding the epidemic | CDC’s response to the opioid overdose epidemic |.

Murez, C. R. (2021).
Chronic Pain and Mental Health: The Empowered Patient’s Guide.

Publishing, H. H. (2021).
Pain, anxiety, and depression. Harvard Health.

Stahl, S. M. (2021).
Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology.


 Students much review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references. Answer both case studies on the same document .

Attached you can find both case study.

Nursing Theory NP 501

For many students enrolled in NR501, this is an initial course for nursing theory. So, let’s have a debate. Is nursing theory important to the nursing profession? In particular, is it important for nurse practitioners? Does theory inform nurse practitioner practice? If you believe that it is important, explain why it is useful. If you do not believe that it is useful, explain why nursing theory is not necessary to the profession.