m3 discussion


Watch one of these films and  then discuss anyone of these “dying and death” representations as  presented in movies or plays such as:

  • Bringing Out the Dead
  • Angela’s Ashes
  • Beaches
  • Philadelphia
  • Terms of Endearment
  • Wit
  • Evan Mayday’s Good Death

Address the following questions if pertinent to the film you watched:

  • What were the causes of death?
  • Where did people die?
  • Who cared for the dying?
  • Who was present at the time of death?
  • How did the significant other person respond?
  • How did the community respond?
  • What expectations or beliefs were associated with dying and death?
  • How did people cope with loss?

Envision  yourself as one of the characters in the film, and, according to their  personal or professional (eg. the nurse in: “WIT”) expectations about  death:

  • Dying well
  • Bad death
  • Good death
  • Sad death


Week 4

Skin Comprehensive SOAP Note Template

Patient Initials: _______ Age: _______ Gender: _______


Chief Complaint (CC):

History of Present Illness (HPI):



Past Medical History (PMH):

Past Surgical History (PSH):

Sexual/Reproductive History:

Personal/Social History:

Health Maintenance:

Immunization History:

Significant Family History:

Review of Systems:




Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular:








Physical Exam:

Vital signs:





Heart/Peripheral Vascular:






Diagnostic results:


This section is not required for the assignments in this course (NURS 6512), but will be required for future courses.

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Peer Response Kir

Be sure to provide 2 APA citations of the supporting evidence-based peer-reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking.

****1 paragraph for each peer response and 2 citations.********

Please be sure to follow EACH AND EVERY BULLET POINT.

(TOPIC is based on the peer that’s being reviewed)

Please do not plagiarize nor reword another person’s assignment that has been previously submitted.

Look at the attachment for responses that are needed!!!

BHA370 Module 1 Case SLP Module 1

10/9/23, 11:32 AM Case – BHA370 Strategic Delivery of Healthcare Services (2023OCT09FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/202712/viewContent/5129358/View 1/2

Module 1 – Case


Assignment Overview

Strategic planning in healthcare typically involves a number of people with diverse
ethnicities, various ages, multiple race groups, and different experiences. An
interdisciplinary approach involves team members from different disciplines working
collaboratively, with a common purpose, to set goals, make decisions, and share
resources and responsibilities. Strategic plans are designed to build an inclusive
environment, plan for the equity of the organization, and to develop objectives to
support viability. Examining external industry competition aids in gauging and
designing performance measures to meet prospective goals.

Case Assignment

In a 2-page paper, answer the following questions:

1. What roles do boards of directors, C-Suite employees, physicians, general
employees, and the community play in a healthcare organization’s strategic-
planning process?

2. Does the diversity of a healthcare organization’s staff have any impact on the
strategic-planning process? Explain your rationale.

Assignment Expectations

1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your

2. Limit your response to a maximum of 2 pages (title and reference pages are not
included in the page number count).

3. Support your responses with peer-reviewed articles, with 2 to 3 references. Use
the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed
How to Recognize Peer-Reviewed (Refereed) Journals

4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
Purdue Owl – https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.


10/9/23, 11:32 AM Case – BHA370 Strategic Delivery of Healthcare Services (2023OCT09FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/202712/viewContent/5129358/View 2/2

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5. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following
source: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/webresources.

6. This assignment will be graded based on the Case Assignment rubric.

Care of the older person part 2

Copyright © 2022 The Open College (Version 10)

Module Title Care of the Older Person

Module Code 5N2706

Assessment Technique Skills Demonstration

Weighting 60%

Assessment Details:

In this assessment you are required to write 3 comprehensive reports on the below skills undertaken
within the care setting with a Client /Service User.

1. An outing or indoor activity {examples of outing: trip to cinema, garden centre, park,

examples of indoor: cookery, cards, storytelling, arts & craft etc.}

2. A Reminiscence Session {examples: looking at old film, photo album, talking about past events

in client’s life, school days etc.}

3. A Health Promotion Activity: {examples: Diet, Oral Hygiene, Exercise, hand hygiene, etc}

In the reports you are required to illustrate good client care practice that you will implement in future
practice. In each of the reports you need to illustrate understanding and knowledge of your role in
promoting safe practices, client independence, support, autonomy and dignity during the planning
and implementation of the activities.

Your reports will be assessed on the following:

• Thorough organisation and preparation of the task, including identification of clients’ needs.

(15 marks)

• Careful execution of the task. (15 marks)

• Effective communication throughout the task. (10 marks)

• Effective use of relevant safety and health practices. (10 marks)

• Comprehensive record of the task. (10 marks)

Copyright © 2022 The Open College (Version 10)


For each Skill Report you can:

1. Choose one of the case studies profiles below to complete the reports and follow the
guidelines provided to complete same. The below case studies are a brief overview of a client
and you are free to interpret and expand upon the client history, background if you wish.


2. Complete the assessment on a service user you have cared for during work placement or
family member/relative you have cared for in the home, whereby you have been involved in
assisting them with a recreational / therapeutic activity.

Case Study One

James Brown is a 75-year-old male who was admitted into the nursing home in January 2020. Previous
to this Mr Brown was in St Vincent’s hospital following a stroke where he spent six months. Following
the stroke Mr Brown now uses a rollator. He has no difficulties transferring himself and needs no
assistance. He is partially paralysed on the left side of his body, and sometimes his speech is a little
slurred. Mr Browns wife and son visited every few days. Prior to his retirement Mr Brown worked in
Dublin Dockyards and had a keen interest in swimming, hill walking and crossword puzzles.

Case Study Two

Alice Jones is 81 years old and was admitted to the residential home in 2019 from her home where
she lived with her husband. Alice was diagnosed with dementia in 2016, she is forgetful and has a
history of wandering and this increases her vulnerability. Unfortunately, Alice’s care needs could not
be met at home due to her dementia. This cognitive decline also impacts on her physical and social
ability as she requires support to maintain her daily activities of living. This includes personal care,
nutrition, safety, mobility and guidance.

Case Study Three

Mary Walsh is 74 years of age, she is a widow of ten years, she has one daughter and one son, her son
resides in Australia. Mary is currently residing in a nursing home and she has been diagnosed with
dementia and is in the early stages. As an effect Mary suffers from short term memory loss. Mary also
has restricted mobility as a result of a fall two years ago and suffered a fractured hip. Mary’s physical
ability all though restricted is quite good. Mary uses a rollator for short to medium distance and a
wheelchair for long distance or when going out, she has full mobility with her upper body and regularly
attends physiotherapy.

Copyright © 2022 The Open College (Version 10)

Case Study Four

Annie Smith is an 84-year-old lady who still very much enjoys the activities of daily living. Annie has
cognitive impairment and mobilises with the aid of a rollator; she also has arthritis and wears a hearing
aid in her right ear. Annie has a regular diet and fluids and has a good appetite. Annie takes a lot of
pride in her appearance and likes to wear nice clothes and to have her hair done. Annie is a widow;
she has no children but has led a very full and active life and was very engaged in social activities
throughout her life. Annie lived on her own for a number of years upon the death of her husband and
attended a day centre which she enjoyed greatly. It was noticed by the staff in the day centre and her
home care team that Annie was becoming more forgetful and confused and was leaving her home
and forgetting how to return. The difficulty in maintaining her safety in the home was one of the main
reasons that Annie entered the nursing home.

Additional guidelines for Skills Demonstration

The below Structure must be followed for each Skills Demonstration report & specific points to be

Title of Activity_______________

❖ Client Profile: {in this section provide details on the following: name, age, illness / disability,
level of independence}

❖ Rational for the chosen activity: {why did you choose this activity and how would you or did
you involve the client in the decision-making process}

❖ Preparation of the activity: {for example: materials, time, venue, transport etc. and discussion

with supervisor/person in charge}

❖ Communication: {what communication techniques are used to meet the needs of the client,

such as verbal, non-verbal skills and written}

❖ Health and Safety: {in this section address safety measures and infection control that must be

implemented and give rationale}

❖ Implementation of the Activity: {in this section outline from start to finish the activity itself,

you can do this in steps e.g., step 1, 2, 3 and so on. It is important to place emphasis on good

client care, support provided, promotion of independence and interaction, client feedback}

❖ Reflection: {in this section reflect on the benefits of activity for the client and outline future

recommendations to promote recreational activities}

Copyright © 2022 The Open College (Version 10)

Specific Guidelines & Important Information

1. Word Count: 500-600 words per Skills report (+/-10%).

2. Your skill reports must be written in first person only.

3. Write in past tense if based on past experiences from placement / working with family


4. Write in future tense if based on the case study provided.

5. In your reports it is important to emphasize good client care, addressing how client’s privacy,

dignity, independence, empathy, respect and positive self-image of clients would be

promoted and maintained during the activity.

6. Ensure reports are structured using the headings above.

7. Reports do not require research information or supportive references.

For final presentation of your work please ensure:

• Accuracy of information supplied.

• Written in correct context and professional.

• Correct structure applied.

• Quality of Presentation

• Grammatical correctness and proper spelling

• Professional vocational language is used.

Your work must also protect the anonymity of the client and organisation, thus all names must be
changed. This must be stated clearly in your work.

Please note: if you do go over your word count deduction will be at tutor discretion, based on the
relevance of the information submitted.

Where applicable, in the skill report work can be supported with images of
activities/material/equipment/ environment BUT NO IMAGES OF CLIENT CAN BE SUBMITTED.

Please note failure to adhere to all of the above, may result in deduction of marks.

Any results issued are provisional and subject to confirmation from the QQI External Authenticator.

Independent Variable: Presence of a buzzer sound or not. Dependent Variable: Number of times the hand sanitizer lever was pressed. Level of Measurement: Ratio

Design an experiment with one independent variable (with at least two levels) and one dependent variable. Additionally, what levels of measurement would you use when collecting your data?

Example: XYZ hospital wanted to increase compliance of staff using hand sanitizer after every interaction with a patient. In order to gain compliance, they set up a buzzer when staff exited the patient’s room. For the treatment group, a buzzer would ring for 1 second after exiting the room unless staff had pressed the hand sanitizer lever. The control group did not have the buzzer activated, so no sound would emit when exiting the patient’s room.

Independent Variable: Presence of a buzzer sound or not.

Dependent Variable: Number of times the hand sanitizer lever was pressed.

Level of Measurement: Ratio

In your responses to other students, identify a strength or weakness of another student’s example design.

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “HLT-362V Discussion Question Rubric” and “HLT-362V Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively


Reflection 6


Often, after a class is done for the week, we drop it and move on. The goal of reflection assignments is to encourage you to reflect on what we did in class that week, after the class to consolidate your learning. There will be specific prompts for you to answer; sometimes this is a reflective assignment, and other times it is more of an application assignment (e.g., given a case example and having to apply something from class). The hope is that this will help you to use what you have learned to ensure concepts “stick” or to think critically about your response to what was learned.


Respond to the following prompt and upload your Word document. It should be 1-2 pages and will be due
11:59 p.m. Friday.

Reflection #6

Sometimes it is helpful to provide information about the brain and neurobiology during psychoeducation with clients. Some clients are more or less interested in this, but for those who are interested, it can often be quite validating to know there may be physiological differences they are experiencing in response to stress.

Imagine that you wanted to provide psychoeducation to your client about some aspects of neurobiology as it relates to PTSD. Write out what you might say: (1) to an adult, and (2) to a child. If you would accompany visual images with this, you do not need to draw them, but could describe what they would include. Be sure to provide a bridge to what this information tells us about how we might work with them or what we might need to do to help them.

They would not need to know the level of detail we have covered, of course, so do not feel a need to explain everything!

Grading Criteria

I'm really not looking to take off points for the reflection assignments. I don't have specific rubrics for them, but if you do not seem to be engaging with the prompt or answering the questions, I may take off points. Each reflection assignment is worth
5 points.

Practicum Project Part two

Practicum Part 2 – Health Care Disparities

(This is a continuation of part 1 with the homeless population in FL)

In this assignment, you will

1. Use your assessment data from week 3 to identify significant health disparities in your at-risk group.

2. Research and propose recommendations to decrease one of these disparities.

3. Write a 2-page (500 word) paper in the form of a proposal to area leaders to address the disparity in your community. Your proposal should include:

· A description of the disparity.

· The influences the disparity has on healthcare delivery.

· The influences the disparity has on similar populations in other countries and the provision of global healthcare.

· Recommendations to address the problem.

· Any graphs or charts in your document that are needed to support your proposal.

Cite any sources in APA format with the url link




 blog on evidence-based practice in the healthcare organization where you practice. (psychiatry)Drawing on your understanding of EBP and your firsthand observations within your organization, include the following content in your blog: 

Nursing Cells: Assignment


Answer the questions in the provided Microsoft Word document and save your responses. Provide resources in APA format to support your answers.


CO 3: Identify the cellular organization of different prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms

CO 4: Distinguish the characteristics of different types of acellular infectious agents