Nursing I have an assignment thats due now, but if someone can have it done by 3AM, or 5AM, I would really appreciate it ! I thought I would have time to get to it,

Assignment that is medical related, or nursing. Have to do a SOAP note, so you would have to know what a SOAP note is in regards to the medical field and there are questions you have to answer about CPT codes, billing codes for patient visits, Dx. codes, etc. But Ican add the diagosis codes.

Thanks Julie 

6566 repeat

Please note that i am resending this to re- do because the previous answer was not valid 

Team Presentation: Health Care Payment System


Create a presentation on the health care payment system. This assignment is to be done in teams.

  1. Identify an aspect of the health care payment system.


As you learned from the chapter, reading, and video lectures, the cost of health care is a major concern in the US. As we discussed, value-based models promise to bend the cost curve in the right direction. The article you read by Erickson et al (2020) is mostly from the point of view of physicians so it is always a good idea to think critically about articles like this. Do you think that the authors present solid arguments in favor of what they propose? Do you think their point of view is similar to what you read and think about ways to decrease costs while increasing quality? Do you think that their point of view considers other health care-related professions?

Nursing Research

Arranging Matrix table


· Week 8 Matrix of Significant Studies

The Matrix is a personal critical appraisal of key studies contributing to the body of evidence related to your clinical topic and proposed project. This matrix represents your synthesis of articles you find most relevant to your proposed evidence-based project.  This matrix is not only a class assignment but should be a tool you use throughout your journey towards the completion of your project. As your accumulation of evidence grows, so should your matrix so you are able to locate valuable information easily! 

For this assignment, you will appraise 10 articles related to your project, sharing all pertinent data you can in the matrix form. Please view the sample matrix as a visual guide as to what information should be gathered. Remember, this is evidence for change and should be relevant, reflect useful data, and be current.


Clinical Topic ” The Prevalence of Depression among adolescents in the American Society”

In the attachment below, there example matrix table and blank matrix table, the blank one is for the work and the example is for you to see what is expected to be done. 

Secondly, you will use 10 articles from the assigned clinical project or are related to the clinical project.

Thirdly, the clinical project is uploaded you may use some of the References. 

BHA435 Module 4 Case SLP

9/25/23, 6:00 PM SLP – BHA435 Healthcare Quality Assessment and Improvement (2023AUG14FT-1) 1/1

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Module 4 – SLP


Quality assurance and continuous quality improvement is often merged together as
one, however, there are distinct difference between the two terms.

In a 2-page report, complete the following:

Explain in detail and provide a healthcare example of quality assurance in

Explains in detail and provide a healthcare example of continuous quality
improvement in healthcare.

Identify if these concepts work together or independently and explain your

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your

1. Limit your response to a maximum of 2 pages (title and reference pages are not
included in page number count).

2. Support your responses with peer-reviewed articles, with 2 to 3 references. Use
the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed
How to Recognize Peer-Reviewed (Refereed) Journals

3. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
Purdue Owl –

4. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source:

5. This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.



Judaism Discussion

After studying 

Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources
, as well as reviewing the 

Judaism Resources
 page, discuss the following:

In your reading of 
Chapter 10 – Encountering Judaism: The Way of God’s People as well as the other readings for the week, you have gained a better understanding of central themes of Judaism. As you learned more about the religion, you may have noticed the many similarities that Judaism shares with Christianity as the relationship between the two religions rather unique. Christianity is rooted in Judaism historically, scripturally, liturgically, and even theologically. No two major world religions have so much in common. Below are a handful of the common elements shared by these two religions, however it is important to note that even though these religions share several common elements, they articulate them differently. Last week, we expounded upon how some of these themes are understood in the context of Catholicism and now you will describe how they are understood in Judaism.

Select the two themes  below and present the Jewish teaching on the chosen theme.

· Jewish Understanding of God

· Freedom and Free Will

Each selected theme must:

· Each theme must Be explained in at least two paragraphs

· Incorporate at least 2 direct quotations with accompanying in-text citations from either the required weekly readings or a resource found on the “Judaism Resources” page linked below

sociology discussion 4


Respond to two (2) of the following prompts:

  1. How has U.S. society’s understanding of race and ethnicity evolved over time? Why do the cultural explanations for race and ethnicity exceed the biological ones? What impact does constantly evolving terminology related to race and ethnicity have on racial and ethnic relations in the U.S.? (USLO 4.1)
  2. Explore and identify your community’s racial and ethnic demographics. What are some of the racial and ethnic conversations taking place in your community? How would you rate intergroup interactions among members of your community on a scale of tolerant to intolerant? Consider if notions like pluralism, amalgamation, expulsion, and genocide apply to your community. (USLO 4.2, 4.3)
  3. Compare and contrast the strengths and limitations of the theoretical perspectives on race and ethnicity. Is it beneficial to have several theoretical viewpoints on race and ethnicity, or should we focus on developing a single theory to study racism and ethnic oppression? Which theory do you find most compelling and likely to promote social justice? (USLO 4.4)


Module 04 Content


Top of Form

You are a Training Specialist hired by Universal Medical Supplies, Inc. This organization has been experiencing low productivity and errors in communication in the workplace. As part of an ongoing professional development series, the Vice President of the Human Resources department has tasked you with creating Critical Thinking training materials. The materials will be presented in many forms and by various means to help improve productivity and communication in the organization.

As part of the company’s training plan, they want to provide articles for the staff on the company’s intranet as required reading prior to other training activities. You will create one of those articles in the form of a blog post. It should provide an overview and give concrete examples of logical fallacies being used in the news and social media.


Use online resources to create a blog post that illustrates how logical fallacies and audience manipulation appear in the news and social media. Social media may include sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements:

· An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies.

· 2 examples of audience manipulation in the
news with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience.

· 2 examples of audience manipulation in
social media. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a screenshot image of each social media post.

· A summarizing paragraph.

· References with links to your sources.

Write your blog post in a Word document. Be sure to proofread for grammar and spelling.

For assistance with logical fallacies in advertising, news, and social media, please see:


What is a logical fallacy?

For assistance with writing a blog post, see:


Blog Writing: Tips and Best Practices to Keep Readers Engaged


The Art of Digital Marketing

Bottom of Form


Paragraph One: Briefly describe the type(s) of nursing health assessments you commonly perform.

· Explain how your nursing health assessments are focused or comprehensive.

· Provide examples of key subjective and objective data collected by nurses in this setting.

Paragraph Two: Describe the typical patient population in your practice setting.

· What are some special considerations that you have used for obtaining an accurate health history and physical assessment in this patient population?

· Examples may include age, lifestyle, financial status, health status, culture, religion, or spiritual practices.