Assigment .Apa seven . All instructions attached.

Weekly Essay/Writing Assignment Content


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This week's writing assignment will consist of the following: 

1. Explore the CMS Hospital Compare website (
) and compare two hospitals in your area.

When you are finished respond in at least 3 pages [not counting cover page and references] to the following questions:

2. Based on the information presented, do you believe the findings to be accurate, or are there likely other intervening considerations?

3. Develop a 
conceptual model that explains part, or all, of one of the reported outcomes. What structures and processes could be measured to explain differences in the outcome?

Here are some great resources to develop your conceptual model:

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A diagram of a framework  Description automatically generated



Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by expanding upon your colleague’s post or suggesting an alternative approach to the ethical issue described by your colleague. use 2 reference for each. Less than 1 page

1.Organizations use professional ethics to provide a framework for what behaviors are accepted and expected.  Professional ethics can be defined as “rules of acceptable conduct that members of a given profession are expected to follow” (American Psychological Association, n.d.).  As a doctorally prepared nurse, it is critical to understand the impact that an organization’s professional ethics can have on the success of an organization as well as patient outcomes.  A recent study conducted by Torkaman et al. (2020) investigated the relationship between professional ethics and organizational commitment and was able to show a positive correlation between professional ethics and nurses’ commitment to their organization.   A DNP-prepared nurse would be able to identify the importance of leveraging professional ethics in order to increase retention rates.  The DNP-prepared nurse could offer reimbursement for staff who attend ethics-based training to highlight the organization’s emphasis on these principles, strengthening nurses’ perceptions of the value of professional ethics within their organization.


            Autonomy in healthcare refers to the notion that patients should have the right to make their own decisions about their treatment.  Ethical dilemmas may arise when patients do not have the capacity to make decisions, and others (family members, Emergency Room (ER) staff, or legal guardians) have to step in to make these critical decisions for the patient.  Rejno et al. (2020) created vignettes to examine the importance of autonomy and dignity.  In one of these vignettes, a patient named David was in a motor vehicle accident and had to be sedated and placed on a respirator.  The ER team providing care to David has no knowledge of his wishes for care and, therefore, has to use their own judgment to provide life-saving measures.  In situations like this, “healthcare professionals can find support from basic ethical values, ethical guidelines such as those provided by the ICN and from learning not to prejudge what the dignity of identity might be for David; additionally, it is essential to protect the identity of every patient, viewing each as a unique person whose life stories are acknowledged, in order to preserve their dignity” (Rejno et al, 2020).  The DNP-prepared nurse should consider creating an ethics committee to help provide support and guidance to staff who need to provide care for patients who are unable to make decisions on their own.

                                                                      Issues in My Own Practice

            Over the years, I have worked in many different inpatient psychiatric settings, one being a consistently nationally-ranked hospital by US News and World Report.   One of the main differences that I observed in this organization was a strong emphasis on professional ethics.  Staff members took great pride in the fact that they were providing evidence-based best patient care in an organization that set forth professional expectations, which, for the most part, staff strived to follow.  When staff are provided with clear expectations, they feel more supported, are better equipped to deliver quality care, and are more invested in the organization.

            In the inpatient psychiatric setting, autonomy is an issue that we deal with quite regularly.  Oftentimes, patients are so mentally ill that they do not want to take medications that would help them to stabilize.  When this is the case, the Psychiatrist has to petition the court to have the patient committed and medicated against their will.  Staff members have to physically restrain these patients and provide intramuscular medications to them against their will.  As you can imagine, this frequently brings up ethical questions of patient autonomy.  In order to provide support, ethics committees are a valuable tool to help staff process complex patient cases.


American Psychological Association. (n.d.) Dictionary of Psychology. to an external site.

Rejno, A., Ternestedt, B.-M., Nordenfelt, L., Silfverberg, G., & Godskesen, T. E. (2020). Dignity at stake: Caring for persons with impaired autonomy.Links to an external site.Links to an external site. Nursing Ethics, 27(1), 104–115.

Torkaman, M., Heydari, N., & Torabizadeh, C. (2020). Nurses’ perspectives regarding the relationship between professional ethics and organizational commitment in healthcare organizations. Journal of Medical Ethics & History of Medicine, 13(17), 1–10.

2.   Ethics are one of the main pillars of nursing care and uphold the quality and integrity of interventions delivered. Ensuring that ethical considerations are taken when constructing the framework for a healthcare organization can ensure that those involved feel connected to a deeper and valuable meaning within their work and are also meeting the ethically based qualifications to deliver said care (Torkaman et al., 2020).

            Along with ensuring the providers are qualified to deliver appropriate care, the setting must also be appropriate for the level of patient acuity. Telehealth has undoubtedly increased access to care, providing resources to individuals who may not have sought psychiatric support prior to virtual appointments. An ongoing assessment by federal and state regulators has been the appropriateness of prescribing certain medications, including buprenorphine products for medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in the use of substance use disorders. Additionally, fully virtual psychiatric providers have also experienced the need to carefully screen the mental health symptoms for severity and ensure a patient is appropriate for telehealth level of care (LOC).

            The Doctor of Nursing practice (DNP) is a change agent supportive of guiding these processes not only at their but as regulations change and adapt. The DNP can play an integral role in collecting new data on care outcomes and translating this data into information that can be disseminated to and understood by non-healthcare professionals. Doing so can promote the ongoing availability of telehealth measures, with focus on increasing access to care. The DNP serves as an expert reviewer to examine outcomes with particular attention to interventions that provide therapeutic outcomes and assessing for gaps in practice. This is of particular concern with telepsychiatry, as progressive steps have been implemented over time to proactively identify individuals who may be at risk for self-harm or are experiencing high-acuity symptoms out of reasonable scope of telehealth care (Fiorini et al., 2020).

            Much like general psychiatry services, there are even fewer psychiatric providers providing specialty substance use disorder treatment. Throughout the pandemic, access was increased to MAT treatment and the previous requirement for a specialty waiver and training to prescribe buprenorphine was waived and consolidated by the Omnibus bill (SAMHSA, 2023). This allows all prescribers with schedule III authority to prescribe buprenorphine products to their patients with opiate use disorder, pending state law allowability. Prescribers have also been permitted to prescribe to patients via telehealth, given all other aspects of MAT treatment are completed including urine drug screening and engagement in psychotherapy per state requirements Mahmoud et al., 2022). These permissions may not continue if they are not continuously extended, and the patients utilizing the prescribers who are available in their area due only to telehealth will be without a MAT prescriber once they end. DNPs can present and advocate for ongoing advancements in safe but broadened prescribing practices for MAT, with respect for the seriousness of buprenorphine prescribing and also the management and severity of opiate use disorder in the United States.


Fiorini, R. A., De Giacomo, P., & L’Abate, L. (2020). Towards resilient telehealth support for clinical psychiatry and psychology: a strategic review. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics213, 275–278.

Mahmoud, H., Naal, H., Whaibeh, E., & Smith, A. (2022). Telehealth-based delivery of medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder: a critical review of recent developments. Current Psychiatry Reports24(9), 375–386.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2023). Waiver elimination (MAT Act).

Torkaman, M., Heydari, N., & Torabizadeh, C. (2020). Nurses’ perspectives regarding the relationship between professional ethics and organizational commitment in healthcare organizations. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 13(17), 1–10.

WEEK 9 MSN 5550

 Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers.   

  Word limit 500 words  

Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.  


 Program/policy evaluation 

nursing pressure ulcer

use the directions to respond to the highlighted issues

making to include: 1) what is wrong the highlighted procedure, policy and intervention; 2) what it should be and (3) recommend a change with evidence


Assignment: National Patient Safety Goal

This assignment will be done in the classroom with discussion to follow.

1.  Read the following chapter from the book, “Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses” and provide a brief overview.

2.  List the National Patient Safety Goals from the Joint Commission’s website appropriate to the long-term care environment and what precautions should the nurse take relative to EACH safety goal?

3.  From the book, “Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses,” select one other chapter to read and provide a brief overview.  Apply the main concepts to the long-term care facility environment.  This could be a situation from work or from school or a personal experience.

4.  Select a Speak Up brochure developed by The Joint Commission. Follow this link to the proper website: and answer the following questions.

a.  Identify the brochure you chose and the demographic it applies to. Who else can utilize this information?

b.  Why is the brochure you chose important?

c.  What was done well? What could be improved?

d.  How will patient safety be improved from the chosen brochure?

e.  Discuss how current nursing or healthcare-related research supports the information presented in the brochure.


Assignment:  National Patient Safety Goal

Put X in box to correspond with the SLO (s)

Put X in box to correspond with the Competency (s)

Knowledge/Practice/Ethical Comportment




Student Learning Outcome(s)

Patient-Centered Care

Communication Skills


Nursing Process

Learning Needs




Nursing Judgment


Nursing Judgment




Quality Improvement

Patient Care Concerns




Patient Complications

Safe Nursing






Conflict Recognition 

Managing Care 

Managing Care of the Individual Patient


Where should this assignment be used:



Clinical Setting


Independent Study


Online/Web Based


Skills Lab



Revised from Linda Caputi © (What type of assignment is this?)

Patient Care Assignment

Non-Patient Care Assignments

Patient Care

The assignments are related to the student while providing patient care in the clinical setting.
Example:  Concept mapping care for one or multiple patients. 

Thinking Focused
Assignments encourages critical thinking and clinical reasoning and teaches students to think like a nurse.

Patient Focused

The student focuses on specific aspects of patient care such as safety, falls, diabetes, other diseases, etc.

Systems Focused

Assignments help the student understand the clinical world, the nurse’s work therein, and the effect of the system on the nurse and the patient.
Example:  How the system completes medication administration from order to delivery to patient.  




FPA legislation

What are the advantages and disadvantages of collaborating with physician organizations when pursuing FPA legislation?


You have been assigned 4 patients on an Intermediate Medical Care Unit. Two of the patients are post myocardial infarctions at various stages of their infarctions with multiple types of arrhythmias, the third patient is having drastic blood sugar fluctuations 218 down to 50 within minutes and its rebounds back up with changes in mentation and the fourth is reported to be having frequent TIA’s. One of the MI patients is having some dizziness and your TIA patient is presenting signs of impending stroke.

How would you prioritize your assessments and activities? How would you describe your critical thinking process and how do you organize and prioritize implementation of care?

At least one full page with proper APA formatting


Michele Seibler

Yesterday Oct 11 at 8:42am

Option 1

I was a bit unclear on what a bureaucracy was until this week's lesson and readings. From what I understand and according to the text, a bureaucracy is a complex and hierarchal organization where several offices, each with a specific task, have a clear chain of command, and appointment and advancement of personnel are based on merit. A bureaucrat is someone who works for a bureaucracy (Greenberg & Page 2019, pg. 366). Bureaucracies are all around us – the DMV, financial organizations and insurance companies are a few examples. After understanding what a bureaucracy is, I think they can both help and hinder my life. Bureaucracies are something that we need to live as citizens of the United States, but often they have rules and regulations that can be a hinderance in many aspects of our lives. The rules and decisions of bureaucracies seem to be made without the public's best interest in mind, and the public often isn't involved in decision making. They all revolve around money. They are often unclear with the public, leaving people confused and overwhelmed with things they don't understand. It can take months to resolve certain issues or get question answered. Processes that should be simple can be very stressful. John Launer wrote an article titled “Battling Bureaucracy,” which is what it feels like sometimes. He explains how he jumped through hoops with bureaucracies trying to help a friend get money back. One of the things he said a couple of times in the article was “money problems figure more in peoples' lives than medical problems, especially now that we're in a serious cost of living crisis” (Launer 2023). One thing that is a large issue in bureaucracies is communication. These organizations are not good at communicating with the public; it often feels as if you're trying to talk through a wall. You could talk to one representative and have them tell you one thing, then speak to another and find out something completely different. This makes everyday things, like dealing with insurance companies, very stressful and difficult. If these bureaucracies can become more transparent with the public, it would help tremendously and there would be less confusion and frustration. 


Greenberg, E. S., & Page, B. I. (2019).
The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition (12th ed.). Pearson Education.

Links to an external site.

Launer, J. (2023). John Launer: Battling Bureaucracy.
BMJ: British Medical Journal (Online).

Links to an external site.
