Intro to nursing reaearch

 Define evidence-based practice. Describe the difference between a nursing practice problem and a medical practice problem. Provide one example of each. Discuss why is it important to ensure your PICOT is based on a nursing practice problem. 

pn1 m 10 diss

 You have had the opportunity to review thermoregulation as is pertains to the human body. With this discussion, you will need to explain what thermoregulation is and why is it important? 

NUR 590 Evidence Based Project Proposal Evaluation Plan

In 750-1,000 words, develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project proposal. You will use the evaluation plan in the Topic 8 assignment, during which you will synthesize the various aspects of your project into a final paper detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal.

Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise:

Review the various data collection tools associated with your selected research design and select one data collection tool that would be effective for your research design. Explain how this tool is valid, reliable, and applicable.

Select a statistical test for your project and explain why it is best suited for the tool you choose.

Describe what methods you will apply to your data collection tool and how the outcomes will be measured and evaluated based on the tool you selected.

Propose strategies that will be taken if outcomes do not provide positive or expected results.

Describe the plans to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue a proposed solution after implementation.

Refer to the “Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview” document for an overview of the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments.

You are required to cite a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.



Respond using APA, at least 2 scholarly references

Leadership and a Healthy Work Environment

    Leadership involves the relationship between a leader and followers with the behaviors or attributes of the leader influencing whether employees consider a work environment to be healthy. Various theories exist about the way leaders and followers construct a social order in organizations leading to a healthy work environment (Vidman & Stromberg, 2020). My perception of a healthy work environment is one in which employees are satisfied with their work, work towards a common goal, and there is no conflict with managers or other employees. Leadership is the single most important factor influencing the employee’s work environment in an organization.

    One insight from the literature about leadership is that managers who inspire workers to do their best contribute to a healthy work environment. Transformational leadership theory proposes that the way leaders use a positive relationship with followers can inspire others to adopt a common goal and voluntarily work towards achieving the goal (Pourbarkhordari et al., 2016). An element of transformational leadership is inspirational motivation by the leader that involves encouraging and motivating employees. The concept of transformational literature gave me insight into the way a manager at a part time job where I worked was able to motivate employees. The manager was always optimistic about the future even when the job we were assigned seemed impossible to do in the time allowed. The manager helped us understand that if the staff worked together as an efficient team, we could meet the deadline even though it seemed difficult. The manager also showed us how to perform tasks more rapidly. Because of these behaviors, we felt like a team and were always focused on helping each other. Even though the work was difficult, the work environment seemed positive and friendly.

    I gained another insight about leadership from literature focusing on authentic leadership theory. The theory defines authentic leadership as altruistic and transparent behaviors, which also has an association with a healthy work environment (Giordano-Mulligan & Eckhardt, 2019). Authentic leaders consistently act on their values and beliefs and demonstrate integrity. The leadership approach also involves followers in decision-making about the best approach to perform tasks. On another part-time job that I once had, the manager was responsible for a group of employees that work her floor. A rule set by the manager was that all employees should be on time for work to avoid unfairly burdening the other employees. One of the employees, however, was always late. The manager terminated the employee and took the employees place until a replacement could be hired. The manager created a healthy work environment by fairly addressing a personnel problem consistent with stated values and beliefs while minimizing the burden of the decision on other employees.   


Giordano-Mulligan, M., & Eckhardt, S. (2019). Authentic nurse leadership conceptual framework. Nurse Administration, 43(2), 164-174.    

Pourbarkhordari, A., Zhou, E., & Poukarimi, J. (2016). Role of transformational leadership in creating a healthy work environment in business setting. European Journal of Business and Management, 8(3), 57-70. 

Vidman, A., & Stromberg, A. (2020).  Leadership for a healthy work environment- a question of who, what, and how. Leadership in health Services, 34(1), 1-15.       

Discussion week 5

Week 5 Discussion: Gastrointestinal Alterations (USLOs 1, 2, 3, 4)

You are caring for 39-year-old Kali Kim-Collins who arrived for follow-up care at her primary physician's office after being discharged from the emergency department with peptic ulcer disease. Mrs. Collins went to the emergency department after experiencing severe gastric pain for three days. She reported the pain was relieved after eating.

Based on this information, your prior knowledge of this client (refer to medical card from the Collins-Kim family tree interactive), and your knowledge of the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer disease, respond to the following prompts:

1. Thoroughly explain the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer disease. Use a 
scholarly or 
authoritative source to support your answer.

2. Examine each of the following three factors related to this disease process. 
Support all three with a scholarly source.

1. cultural

2. financial

3. environmental implications

3. Identify 3-5 priority nursing interventions for the client after discharge home.

4. Describe labs and diagnostic testing you would anticipate monitoring for the client upon follow-up with her PCP. What are critical indicators? 
Support with a scholarly source.

5. What members of the interdisciplinary team need to be included for holistic patient-centered care? 
Provide a rationale and support with a scholarly source.

Brooklyn, NY 11214


Brooklyn, 11214

II. Community core and Supportive Data (Photos, clips, web and historical documentation can be used here for support)7%

  1. a.Ethnic history (ethnic landmarks or signs of gentrification can be discussed here)
  2. b.Cultural history (cultural landmarks can be highlighted here, types of buildings, historical developments etc.)
  3. c.County history
  4. d.Demographics and ethnicity according to documentation (website info or library details)
  5. e.Educational distribution (schools, educational resources and level of education of community members)
  6. f.Vital Statistics of the community (overall health status, births, deaths, health resources)
  7. g.Values, Beliefs, Religions



Treatment goals for an acute exacerbation of COPD are two-fold.  The first is to provide supportive care and resolve the acute exacerbation with minimal impact on the patient lung function, and the second is to prevent further exacerbations.

Read the article, “Managing hospitalized patients with a COPD exacerbation: the role of hospitalists and the multidisciplinary team”.  You may access the article at:  

Discuss the recommended goals/treatment strategies of COPD management in critically ill patient. 


Post your discussion to the Moodle Discussion Forum.  Initial post must be made by Day #3.  Word limit 500 words.  Reply to at least two other student posts with a reflection of their response.  Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.  

Health Care-Associated infections

 Provide a brief statement introducing the selected practice problem. • Identify three social determinant risk factors for the selected practice probl 


 Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research. 


 Topic:  Organizational Planning/Planned Change 

-How do you typically respond to change? Do you embrace it? Seek it out? Accept it reluctantly? Avoid it at all cost? Is this behavior like that of your friends and that of your family? Has your behavior always fit this pattern, or has the pattern changed throughout your life? If so, what life events have altered how you view and respond to change?

– A brief introductory paragraph introduces the topic of the discussion. One or more succinct paragraphs are needed to answer each of the discussion board questions. Use current literature (5 years old or less) to support your views. Be sparing in your use of quotes. Learn to paraphrase the information you are sharing from a source. A paragraph at the end gives a brief summary of the discussion. The initial posting for each topic should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not including the references). 

  • Title page (APA format)