Unit 3 ICD-10 Codes Peer Response. Due 11-14-23. 500w.

Unit 3 Discussion – ICD-10 Codes. Due 7-25-23. 1000words. 4 references

1. Why is accurate coding using the ICD-10-CM important?

2. Use your lecture materials to determine what ICD-10 Codes to assign for this patient encounter.

3. In paragraph form, construct a discussion that supports the Codes you identified. 

4. In the discussion explore how the ICD-10 Codes that you assigned impact third party payor reimbursement for this visit.

5. Summarize an article that pertains to ICD-10-CM

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with in-text citations and corresponding references in APA format.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the criteria.

Chief Complaint:

Older sister reports – “Our mother died three weeks ago and we lost our father several months ago. I think that my sister was depressed and just wanted to be with them.”

History of Present Illness:

31-year-old female who was brought to the hospital by ambulance. She was found slumped over in her car in front of the funeral home where memorial services for both her father and mother had recently been held. On the seat beside her were two empty bottles of sleeping pills, a Bible opened to Psalm 23, and a note that read
: “I am going to be with mom and dad. It is just too sad being here anymore without them. I love you all and you will be in my prayers.” When she was found by the funeral home director her hair was oily and unkempt and she smelled as if she had not bathed in a long time. She was wearing a dirty orange T-shirt and jeans.


Depression when she was a junior in HS which led to psychiatric admissions at 15 and 19 years of age. For these admissions she was treated with antidepressants and psychotherapy. Length of stay for both admissions was approximately 5 weeks. At age 19, following a suicide attempt, she met her first husband in the psych ward of the hospital. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder 6 years ago.

Information from Sister:

Older sister reports ‘hard life’. Reports both parents were alcoholics. Parents would go to bars almost every night and leave the 8 children in the care. The children were eventually removed from the home. Some of the children went to the Catholic girls’ home others were placed in “horrible” foster homes where they were subjected to physical and sexual abuse.

Reports numerous siblings, including the patient, have been through several detoxification centers for alcohol abuse.

Patient is in her second marriage with 3 daughters – 2 from the first marriage and 1 from the current marriage.

Reports that after having her third baby the patient went into a ‘terrible depression’. The patient was under the care of a psychiatrist for this depression and was placed on an anti-depressant after about 3 months of being under the psychiatrist’s care. After 3 weeks of being on this anti-depressant the patient is reported as having gotten ‘really weird’; patient was staying up all night pacing around her house and talking to people on the phone, she would go on shopping sprees for 2-3 days at a time and max out all her credit cards. The patient finally crashed and was taken to the hospital by her family and it was during this admission, 6 years ago, that the patient was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Sister reports the patient has been on Lithium since being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Reports their father had been sick for a while so his death was not unexpected. However, their mother went downhill fast and the patient is reported to not cope well with the mother’s illness/death.

Reports the patient hadn’t been eating lately with noted weight loss. Additionally, the sister reports the patient had been smoking and drinking ‘more than usual’ lately.

Family Hx:

Paternal grandmother – depression

Two maternal aunts – bipolar disorder

Mother and father – alcohol abuse

Father died from pancreatic cancer

Mother died from heart failure

3 living brothers, 3 living sisters, one deceased brother who had an AMI at age 34

Social Hx:

Divorced and remarried

Worked as a nurse’s aid and health insurance claims adjuster

Attends church regularly

Smoked 1ppd for 15 years

History of alcohol abuse with several DWI violations

History of IV drug use, not in the last 10 years


Information from sister:

Neuro – history of migraine headaches since late teens, takes Imitrex prn


Sister reports: at times the patient is up all night – particularly when bipolar symptoms not well controlled, the patient seemed to be more depressed since the loss of their mother, does not believe the patient felt guilty surviving parents, patient has been not been attentive to her personal hygiene, the patient appeared to be obsessing on parental loss, patient appeared to be losing weight and therefore suspect she was not eating well, patient seemed to not be engaging in typical daily activities; patient had not expressed having suicidal ideations, had not expressed homicidal ideations


Lithium 600mg po Q AM and 600mg po Q HS

Sumatriptan 50-200mg po PRN


ASA – swelling of face

Physical Examination:

General – lethargic and slow to respond to questions; BP 110/72, P 66, RR 12, T 97.0, SpO2 on RA 95%, Ht 66 in, Wt 135 lbs, BMI 21.8

Integument – skin pale, warm, dry; good turgor; several cystic lesions on chin; no rashes, ecchymoses or petechiae noted

HEENT – Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, pupils dilated with sluggish reaction to light, TMs gray and shiny bilateral, nares patent without discharge noted, no tonsillar enlargement, moist mucous membranes

Neck – supple without adenopathy, no thyromegaly

Lungs – CTA

Breasts – deferred

Cardiovascular – heart with RRR without murmur/gallop, multiple varicosities noted bilateral lower extremities

Abdomen – soft, non-distended, active bowel sounds, non-tender, no organomegaly

Genitalia/Rectum – deferred

Musculoskeletal – no major limitations of ROM or gross abnormalities noted

Neurologic – oriented to person, DTRs 2+ and equal bilateral, no localizing signs, CN II- XII grossly intact

Diagnostics – Na 139 meq/L, K 3.7 meq/L, Cl 108 meq/L, HCO3 23 meq/L, Bun 10 mg/dL, Cr 0.7 mg/dL, fasting Glu 102 mg/dL, Ca 8.7 mg/dL, PO4 3.2 mg/dL, Protein 4.8 g/dL, Mg 2.0 mg/dL, AST 33 IU/L, ALT 20 IU/L, GGT 82 IU/L, Alb 2.9 g/dL, TSH 4.1, Vit B12 203 pg/mL, Hgb 12.2 g/dL, HCT 36.8 %;

Lithium 0.08meq/L

Urine dipstick – 6.3 pH, SG 1.021, all other parameters negative


You will be evaluating the subjective and objective data sets to determine the diagnoses for this patient encounter.


The plan cannot be developed until the diagnoses are assigned.

week 7 600 capstone poster

The purpose of this assignment is to create a poster that will present the visual and graphic presentation of the capstone project. Poster presentation should clearly articulate what you did, how you did it, why you did it, and what it contributes to your field and the larger field of human knowledge. This assignment is due in week seven and must be presented by the student.

Create your poster per guidance and approval from your capstone course faculty (template provided above). Follow the poster template as outlined and review the recommended resources in creating your poster.

What goals should you keep in mind to construct a poster?

  • Clarity of content. Decide on a small number of key points that you want your viewers to take away from your presentation, and articulate those ideas clearly and concisely.
  • Visual interest and accessibility. The viewers should notice and take interest in your poster so that they will pause to learn more about your project, and you will need the poster’s design to present your research in a way that is easy for those viewers to make easy sense of it.

From the capstone project, students will create an effective poster with the following information:

Title: ( the influence of nursing leadership on nurse retention ) 

Authors: Your name, faculty advisor’s name


Purpose or Aims of the Study


Expected Results/Outcomes

Anticipated Conclusions

Potential Implications to Practice


Contact person: include email address


  • Length: One page
  • Format: Poster Presentation
  • Research: At least one peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years

evidence based

NUR640 Week 3 Assignment 3.1 Page 1


Assignment Title: Sampling Methods

Step 3 for your Evidence-Based Practice Mini-Project (Research Proposal)

Assignment Overview:

For your Research Proposal Step 3, you will submit your target population listed and a clearly stated and though description of your study population with scholarly sources. There is a sampling plan that identifies the sampling method. There is a clear and thorough description of the sample. There is a precise procedure detailing how participants will be selected. There is a thorough description of the research setting, and a detailed description of the recruitment plan. There is a clear and thorough description of all ethical considerations related to your mini-research project.


The final copy of your Step 3 Research Proposal assignment is on or before Sunday at 11:59pm just before Week 4 begins at the latest. Be sure to use the file naming protocol: NUR640_EBP Step 3_last name_mmddyyyy.

Assignment Details:

For this assignment, you will write part of Step 3 of your Research Proposal. Use the discernment gained from your Human Subjects Certificate Discussion Board regarding ethical considerations for your own EBP Proposal.

Sampling Plan: Describe your sampling plan that identifies the sampling method you will utilize. Describe your sample in detail.

Research Setting: Describe your research setting. For example, is your setting where you work?

Recruitment Plan: Describe your recruitment plan in detail.

Ethical Considerations: Describe whether your EBP Proposal could go through an expedited IRB approval. Why or why not?

Note: In your Step 3 state what instrument you will be using for your EBP proposal.

Grading: Each part of your EBI proposal has a grading rubric. All submissions should have a title page and reference page. Each Step of the EBP Proposal will then be added together in Week 5 assignment which will be graded again based on a new rubric that includes your best revision based on weekly instructor detailed feedback. Points will be lost if suggestions are not incorporated into the final Week 5 Submission of your EBP Proposal. (See Week 5 Assignment rubric).



Advanced Nursing Inquiry and Evidence Based Practice


An important part of building evidence-based practice is the development, refinement, and use of quality diagnostic tests and measures in research and practice. Discuss the role of sensitivity and specificity in accuracy of a screening test?

Please include 400 words in your initial post with two scholarly references by Wednesday midnight and answer two peers with 200 words by Saturday midnight.  

Assigment .Apa seven . All instructions attached.

Using the input and suggestions from the peer-edited first draft, write the final version of your research paper in 2,500 and 3,000 words.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.  Use your chosen peer-reviewed journal for in-text citations and references.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

Pneumonia in 12 years old


Instructions: Select one of the topic mentioned below and discuses filling the attached form.


Pneumonia in 12 years old


Ø The discussion must address the topic

Ø Rationale must be provided

Ø Use at least 600 words (no included 1st page or references in the 600 words)

Ø May use examples from your nursing practice

Ø Formatted and cited in current APA 7

Ø Use 3 academic sources, not older than 5 years. Not Websites are allowed.

Ø Plagiarism is NOT permitted



  • “How has your life been impacted by a personal injury accident (yours, someone in your family, or that of a close friend)? What have you learned from this experience, and how has this accident shaped who you want to be professionally?”

  •  should not exceed 2 pages and should be in PDF format.

APRN practice

Please see the attachment for instructions

discussion 4


Answer the questions below based on the following case study.

A 26-year-old woman presented to the clinic after her cleaning rituals had so exhausted her that she had given up and could now enter only two of the five rooms in her home. For more than a year she has worried that if her house is not sufficiently clean, her 3-year-old son will become ill and could die. Having touched a surface she has to disinfect it repeatedly – a procedure performed in a particular way and taking several hours. In addition, she repetitively washes her hands and sterilizes all the crockery and cutlery before eating. She realizes that she is ‘going over the top’, but she cannot stop thinking that items may have germs on them. This leads to disabling anxiety and fear for her son’s health, which she can only resolve by cleaning. This helps temporarily, but soon the thoughts return again.

  1. Summarize the clinical case.
  2. What is the DSM 5-TR diagnosis based on the information provided in the case?
  3. Which pharmacological treatment would you prescribe according to the clinical guidelines? Include the rationale for this treatment.
  4. Which non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe according to the clinical guidelines? Include the rationale for this treatment excluding a psychotherapeutic modality.
  5. Include an assessment of the treatment’s appropriateness, cost, effectiveness, safety, and potential for patient adherence to the chosen medication. Use a local pharmacy to research the cost of the medication and provide the most cost-effective choice for the patient. Use great detail when answering questions 3-5.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) 
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
  • Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.

sc0t 3

Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats (SCOT) is a simple yet comprehensive way of assessing the positive and negative forces within and outside your organization so you can be better prepared to act effectively. It reminds the project leader to build on strengths, minimize challenges, seize opportunities, and counteract threats.

Assignment Prompt

Each student will perform a SCOT (formerly SWOT) analysis in their practice that identifies strengths, challenges, opportunities and threats to assist in making strategic plans and decisions in the implementation of the EBP.

Submit a 1-2 slide PowerPoint presentation of a SCOT analysis as it relates to your project.


  • easily found US sources and ( use nurse retention for critical care) 
  • Length: 1-2 slides
  • Format: Power Point with diagram
  • Research: At least one peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years