View the TED Talk “5 Ways to Listen Better”Links to an external site. by Julian Treasure (TEDGlobal, 2011). Next, complete the linked listening assessmentLinks to an external site.. In light of Treasure’s talk, respond to the following questions:

  • What do you find most interesting about the skill of listening?
  • Do you agree with Treasure’s warning about the dangers of losing the ability to listen?
  • What listening strategy presented by Treasure would you like to try?

Finally, in light of the assessment, share any personal listening goals you may have to improve your own listening skill. 

Be sure to respond to your peers as well. As a reminder, connect to a scholarly source beyond the TED Talk. 


TEDGlobal. (2011). 5 ways to listen better.

Discussion Post-

Describe the role of each component of the ECG in the heart’s contraction: the P wave, the PR interval, the QRS complex, the ST segment, the T wave, and the QT interval. What is the difference between artifact and dysrhythmia? How can you reduce artifacts? What are some situations that can occur if artifact is not reduced or eliminated?

You are working in the Telemetry Unit. The nurse “watching” the monitors is reading a magazine. She constantly turns off an alarm that looks a lot like Ventricular Fibrillation. She tells you that it is not a dysrhythmia, it is just artifact. What do you think about her actions? What is the worst case scenario in this situation? What would you do?

Must be a minimum of 250 words.

Health Care Inequalities

 Based on viewing the Johnson & Johnson video, what are your thoughts about health care inequalities and the need for continuing reform? (Share at least 2 points of view.) 

work 4

Literature Review/Synthesis

Once you have thoroughly learned your studies (this is where the Table of Evidence you did previously will help you!), you need to communicate to your readers the level and quality of literature that was reviewed. The synthesis is a description of the entire body of literature that you have reviewed that supports your EBP project.  


Literature Synthesis = (100 points)

Purpose/Objective of this assignment is to:

1. Provide a 

synthesis and analysis

 of previously selected articles through a systematic review.

2. Evaluate the findings, identifying gaps in knowledge and implications for future research.


Assignment requirements: Students will utilize the articles selected to write a 

6 to 7 page
 review of the literature on the selected topic. Additional research articles may be included if necessary. (
Note that this is the first section of a two-section paper. (A 4 – 5-page paper discussing the clinical implications of the literature review findings on nursing practice will follow this literature review. See Assignment – Clinical Project: Clinical Implications Paper.) Include a background section.

1. Articles will be reviewed in an integrated manner. Summarize and provide a detailed synthesis of the information from all of your studies as it relates to the topic of interest.


Must provide a synthesis and critical analysis of research designs, methodologies, sampling, independent and dependent variables, research findings, threats to reliability and validity. Discussion to include trends, areas of commonalities and differences in approaches.

3. Discuss outcomes and findings

4. All information must be cited and referenced appropriately.

5. Paper will utilize all appropriate APA 7th Ed guidelines for intro, conclusion, citations, references, document organization, formatting, academic language, and grammar. 
First person is not appropriate in this paper.


Topic: In mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU (P), does an oral care protocol using chlorhexidine mouthwash (I) compared to routine oral care (C) reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (O) over six months (T)?

NURSING nursing

Medication Errors


 Post a response to your Blog in which you describe at least two of the most important needs/challenges/issues in your community or organization. Why are these needs/challenges/issues important? Be specific. Then, recommend at least two practice changes or interventions you would suggest to address these needs/challenges/issues in your community or organization. Be sure to align your role as the DNP-prepared nurse to the competencies identified in the AACN Essentials.


global health oct 8

1. Paper Topic

 Discussion Topic

Top of Form

Submit your paper topic in this discussion board. Argue the significance of the chosen issue in improving global public health. You need to select a community/state within a low/middle income (developing) country afflicted by the selected global public health problem. 

Each topic should be supported by two studies from peer-reviewed journals. 

Word limit 350, APA in-text citation and reference list required.

When student submitted the previous topic comments professor did

Good attempt! But more work is required, you need to cite 2 studies from a chosen country in Africa – please select one country only, example Nigeria and all articles should be focused on that community. For the paper you need 5 studies from the same country on the same topic. For each study you will review – Purpose, methods, results and recommendations. 

Please submit your articles and citations – this needs to be re-done, I will re-grade. 

This is too broad and what are your variable. This is not a study and also looks like a copy paste – you need to write in your own words. 

Here is a suggested topic and paper:

Effect of ritualistic bathing on water quality of Ganga river in India. 

See if you can find similar studies that explore the impact of independent variable (bathing) on dependent variable (water quality)

You need total 5 such studies. 

All the Best, 

Dr. Puri 

2. Literature Review Assignment

Choose one articles on your chosen topic for this assignment. The review should include following components: study purpose, study methods – characteristics of the participants, study design, data-collection procedures, instruments used, and study results. 

Page length: 1 page. DO not attach the document, the review should be visible in the discussion board to the reader. 

References required: APA7 – in-text and reference list. 

Provide a link for the selected study! 

Bottom of Form

Nutritional Principles in Nursing

Module 03 Discussion – Nutrition and Weight Status

Discussion Topic


Review all the materials discussed in this and the preceding module. After reading the information and guidelines, discuss why nutrition and weight status are important for health. Post one reference you used for the evidence-based information you are discussing.


  • Review the readings in the White, Dudley-Brown, and Terhaar text. With your current health care organization (psychiatric behavioral hospital), or an organization you are targeting for your DNP Project, in mind, consider the area(s) of greatest challenge with regard to translating and applying evidence for a practice change initiative, e.g., leadership, technology, collaboration, stakeholder buy-in. Focus on the relevant text chapter(s) in your Discussion preparation.
  • Consider theories and best practice recommendations for addressing your identified challenges and barriers to translating and applying evidence that would support practice change initiatives.
  • Reflect on the philosophy of nursing practice that you developed. Consider your role as a DNP in creating an organizational culture that embraces evidence-based practice and quality improvement. 

With these thoughts in mind …

Post an explanation of the challenges and barriers to translating and applying evidence for practice change in your target health care organization (Behavioral health hospital). Briefly explain your issue(s) of concern and describe specific approaches for addressing these challenges. Explain how you view your role as a DNP in creating a health care culture that promotes translation of evidence for quality improvement and explain why. Then, recommend actions and activities you could model and lead, including through an EBP QI project, to advocate for quality improvement and social change in nursing. Be specific and provide examples and at least 3 references.

  • White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. F. (Eds.). (2019). Translation of evidence into nursing and healthcare (3rd ed.). Springer.
    • Chapter 15, “Interprofessional Collaboration and Teamwork for Translation” (pp. 299–314)
    • Chapter 16, “Creating a Culture That Promotes Translation” (pp. 315–334)
    • Chapter 17, “Best Practices in Translation: Challenges and Barriers in Translation” (pp. 337–346)

Nursing assignment 1-b


After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, submit the following:

  • Starting with the precursor substance tyrosine or tryptophan, identify and briefly describe each chemical step required to create each neurotransmitter. 

Submission Instructions:

  • The typewritten description is original work and logically organized, formatted, and cited in the current APA style, including citation of references.
  • Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET on Sunday.
  • Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.