

This assignment and the following two months' work should be written related to your

previous writing. You should not change the stories. Then I will lose the points(scores). If

you talked about improvement of patient flow in the urgent care setting, your next

writing should be something similar with the previous style. I mean you should not write

about totally different topics like cancer patient management or something like that. If

you have any questions, you can ask me. I can give you enough time to complete it. One

week for this job.

Pls read your previous writings. Keep these links unless you remember about your

previous writings.






Week 4: Change Project Rough Draft


This week, you will bring together all of the assignments you have completed thus far,
and compose the rough draft of your change project paper. At this point, you will have
submitted each section and received feedback. An attempt to incorporate all previous
assignment feedback should be evident. 
Your rough draft contains all of the expected
components of the final draft and is presented in APA format including a cover page,
references, and appendices when warranted. Your rough draft is your opportunity to
polish previously submitted assignments and combine the sections in a comprehensive
paper that show your change project is ready to be implemented.

You will take this time to identify and address any weaknesses or gaps in your change

project. Your rough draft should only require minor revisions before the final paper.

Your paper should be between 20 and 30 pages in length, not including the cover page,

references, and any appendices. It must follow the current APA manual style and

format. Each section of the paper should be clearly identified using proper headings.

NURS_691B_DE – NURS 691-B Rubric: Culminating Experience Evidence-Based
Change Project Paper Rubic (rough draft)

NURS_691B_DE – NURS 691-B Rubric: Culminating Experience Evidence-Based Change Project Paper

Rubic (rough draft)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Introduction and

3.5 to >2.87 pts

Meets Expectations

The change project topic is introduced. All

background information is included. Project

importance within the field or significance

for the designated facility is described.



This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Problem Identification and
Description in PICOT

3.5 to >2.87 pts

Meets Expectations

Presents a thorough and insightful analysis of the

chosen topic/problem. Describes the problem

thoroughly, including the target population

description and history/background information

at the assigned clinic or hospital. The significance

and applicability to nursing is included and well

presented. Includes an appropriate topic

identification related to an advanced practice

nursing issue or practice problem of concern.

Population is fully defined and present in the

research question. Includes specific interventions,

identifies comparisons, and presents appropriate

outcomes in a timely manner for the question.

Overall, the question is well-built using the PICOT



This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome Critical

3.5 to >2.87 pts

Meets Expectations

The minimum requirement of peer-reviewed

articles, books, or limited non-research literature

(tool kits or standardized procedures) are present.

Literature is supported by scientific evidence that is

credible and timely. Subtopics are used to support

the main topic. In-text citations are present and

correctly formatted. Presents a thorough and

insightful analysis of significant findings related to

the change project topic. Ideas are synthesized and

professionally sound and creative. Insightful and

comprehensive conclusions and solutions are




This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome Project
Aims, Values, and Desired

7 to >5.74 pts

Meets Expectations

The project, aims, values, and desired outcomes are

well-developed. They are clear and thorough. Aims

include examples of projected features and

functions. Values include implementation benefits

for specific stakeholders. Desired outcomes state the

purpose, have a quality focus, and describe the

benefits that will occur as a result of


7 pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Theoretical Framework

7 to >5.74 pts

Meets Expectations

Identifies independent theories or conceptual models

that relate to the change project topic and describes

how they will be applied to the change project.

Thoroughly discusses how each element of the

phenomenon applies to the framework. Clearly

applies each element of the theory to the elements

of the phenomenon under study. Develops the

rationale for the sample selection criteria, and

expertly discusses, analyzes, and critiques pertinent

research that uses the framework.

7 pts


This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome

7 to >5.74 pts

Meets Expectations

Provides keen insight into obstacles and proposes

sound, creative solutions or interventions based on

the literature review findings. Expertly compares

other views on the problem and solutions with detail.

Uses examples to thoroughly address the FNP role in

the intervention and discusses implications for

clinical practice. Thoughtfully discusses the

implications of the change project and its significance

to the nursing profession and filling gaps in

knowledge. Accurately categorizes and thoroughly

explains specific methods of data collection to be

used. Explains in detail how data will be analyzed and

used. Provides a sound justification for subject

selection and sampling procedure. Accurately and

thoroughly describes potential limitations to data

collection and control.

7 pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Recommendations and

10.5 to >8.61 pts

Meets Expectations

Provides an insightful and thorough summary of the

project, main points, and details the significance of

the project to the advanced practice nursing

profession. Provides detailed and creative

recommendations for future research and

implications for clinical practice. Discusses limitations

of the study in detail. Suggests specific directions for

future research. Insightfully considers changes in

theoretical construct and provides reasonable and

creative suggestions for public policy and/or changes

in educational practice. Expertly ties the theoretical

framework to the overall product.



This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome Rough

17.5 to >14.35 pts

Meets Expectations

Submission shows a concerted effort to present a

high-quality draft requiring minimal adjustments to

content and mechanics. All parts of the research

paper are submitted and efforts to integrate

feedback are highly apparent. Significant and

substantive improvements have been made to each

section of the paper.


This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Mechanics and APA

10.5 to >8.61 pts

Meets Expectations

Writing is clear, concise, formal, and organized.

Information is well organized and clearly

communicated. The assignment is free of spelling and

grammatical errors. All the requirements related to

format, length, source citations, and layout are

followed. A complete reference page is included and

formatted using correct APA format. If applicable,

appendices and tables are complete and



Total Points: 70


  • Week 4: Change Project Rough Draft