what are the three components of the DRI? 

describe how RDA. AI, AND UL influence health

after reviewing your results on the interactive DRI, how well are you meeting the RDAs suggested 

what two changes can you make to improve

Critical Care Wk 4



Each student will be assigned a number randomly.  Whatever your number is, select the corresponding topic below, then post a minimum of 5 bullet points about the topic.

Your bullet points should address key components of the topic, such as what, how, who, & why.  This information should not be basic things you learned in Med/Surg, but rather advanced critical care based.

Think about this as a group effort to create a study guide. Use ONLY your textbook, but do not cut & paste from the book.

Then create, find, or borrow a test style question about your topic & post at the bottom of your bullet points. The format needs to be multiple choice or select all that apply. Think NCLEX style.



Part 2:

You will take a few minutes and ask 2 people about their personal coping mechanisms for dealing with the stress of working in healthcare during this unique time of Covid. Stress can be physical, emotional, spiritual, or any combination of triggers. Ask a diverse variety of people, don’t forget those in other departments at different points of hierarchy. For example, ask your unit manager, environmental services, volunteers, patients, fellow nurses, etc. Write 2-3 paragraphs on your findings and impressions while respecting the person’s identity.

W2 D see attachment




Week 1

Organizational Change and Ethical-Legal Influences in Advanced Practice Nursing Case Study

Preparing the Discussion

You are a family nurse practitioner employed in a busy primary care office. The providers in the group include one physician and three nurse practitioners. The back-office staff includes eight medical assistants who assist with patient care as well as filing, answering calls from patients, processing laboratory results and taking prescription renewal requests from patients and pharmacies. Stephanie, a medical assistant, has worked in the practice for 10 years and is very proficient at her job. She knows almost every patient in the practice and has an excellent rapport with all of the providers. 

Mrs. Smith was seen today in the office for an annual physical. Her last appointment was a year ago for the same reason. During this visit, Mrs. Smith brought an empty bottle of amoxicillin with her and asked if she could have a refill. You noted the patient's name on the label, and the date on the bottle was 1 week ago. You also noted your name printed on the label as the prescriber. The patient admitted that she called last week concerned about her cough and spoke to Stephanie. You do not recall having discussed this patient with Stephanie nor do the other providers in the practice. 

Case Study Questions: 

1. What are the potential ethical and legal implications for each of the following practice members? 

· Medical assistant

· Nurse Practitioner

· Medical Director

· Practice

2. What strategies would you implement to prevent further episodes of potentially illegal behavior? 

3. What leadership qualities would you apply to effect a positive change in the practice?  Be thinking about the culture of the practice.

4. A scholarly resource must be used for EACH discussion question each week.

Week 3 Learning Exercise Analysis: Organizational, Political, and Personal Power/Organizing Patient Care


Solve one of the following Learning Exercises from Huston’s Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing, 11th edition.

  • Learning Exercise 13.3 (page 321)
  • Learning Exercise 13.8 (pages 334-335)
  • Learning Exercise 13.10 (page 336)

List which Learning Exercise you are solving at the start of your analysis and provide a brief summary of the case. Be sure to apply an appropriate problem-solving/decision-making model (Traditional Problem-Solving Process, Managerial Decision-Making Model, The Nursing Process, or the Integrated Ethical Problem-Solving Model) in determining what you should do. Justify your decision with supporting evidence

Nursing Scholarly Assignment: Description of the Theory of Pain

Introduction – Discuss the historical background of theories of pain mechanisms 

Analysis of the underpinning for the theory of pain – discuss the analysis of the underpinning for the theory of pain. Theoretical or background work that has been done in the field that will support formation or creation of theory. 

Applications of the theory of pain – explain how the theory is used in practice 

Suggestion for additional research – discuss the need for additional research

Conclusion – all resources correctly referenced 



Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project

You are designing an executable population-based change project addressing identified
practice-related problems or questions. This strongly emphasizes collaboration between
advanced practice nurses and community agencies and include working with an agency
using practice data to provide answers, which are responsive to the needs of clinicians,
administrators, and policy makers for improvement of programs or practices.

This section of the change project should include a discussion of key concepts.

1. Clarify the issue under study.
2. Propose solutions or interventions based on the literature
3. Compare other views on the problem and solutions.
4. Address the APRN role in the intervention and discuss implications for clinical

5. Discuss the implications of your change project.
6. Some important things to consider and address:
7. Does your intervention have a clear connection to your research problem?
8. What are the specific methods of data collection you are going to use, such as

surveys, interviews, questionnaires, or protocols?
9. How do you intend to analyze your results?
10. Provide a justification for subject selection and sampling procedure.
11. Describe potential limitations. Are there any practical limitations that could affect

your data collection? How will you attempt to control the limitations?
12. How will your change project help fill gaps in understanding the research

13. This section should be 6–7 pages in length, not including the cover or reference

page. You must reference a minimum of 5 scholarly articles.

14. Use the current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Review

the rubric for more information on how the assignment will be graded.


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome Content 64 to >52.48 pts

Meets Expectations

Succinctly clarifies the issue under study. Provides

a brief summary of the project including main

points and anticipated findings. Provides keen

insight into obstacles and proposes sound,

creative solutions or interventions based on the

literature review findings. Expertly compares other

views on the problem and solutions with detail.

Uses examples to thoroughly address the FNP role

in the intervention and discusses implications for

clinical practice. Thoughtfully discusses the

implications of the change project and its

significance to the nursing profession and filling

gaps in knowledge. Accurately categorizes and

thoroughly explains specific methods of data

collection to be used. Explains in detail how data

will be analyzed and used. Provides a sound

justification for subject selection and sampling

procedure. Accurately and thoroughly describes

potential limitations to data collection and control.

Meets all of the criteria of the written assignment.

64 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome

8 to >6.56 pts

Meets Expectations

Content is well written throughout. Information is

well organized and clearly communicated.

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome APA


8 to >6.56 pts

Meets Expectations

Follows all the requirements related to format,

length, source citations, and layout. The

assignment is free of spelling and grammatical


8 pts

Total Points: 80

  • Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project

fundamentals M 1 b

Delivering Client Centered Care



Shared decision-making (SDM) is a vital component of contemporary healthcare, transforming the landscape of patient-centered care across the lifespan. A significant body of evidence, such as the peer-reviewed article titled “Shared decision-making in primary care: A systematic review and meta-analysis of its effects on patient outcomes” by Stacey J. Pereira et al. published in the Annals of Family Medicine in 2021, underscores the merits of SDM in promoting health and delivering client-centered care.

SDM epitomizes a collaborative process where patients and healthcare providers harmoniously engage in making healthcare decisions. This process revolves around the amalgamation of the best available clinical evidence with the unique values and preferences of the patient. The systematic review and meta-analysis examined 57 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), offering compelling insights into the affirmative influence of SDM on various patient outcomes. These encompassed heightened patient satisfaction, an improved quality of life, reduced decisional regret, greater adherence to treatment regimens, and superior clinical outcomes such as enhanced blood pressure control, glucose management, and cholesterol levels.

There are two overarching reasons that substantiate SDM as an essential and exemplary healthcare practice. Firstly, SDM is rooted in the principle of respecting the autonomy and right to self-determination of patients. It elevates the patient to an active, informed decision-maker in their care, ensuring that their voice is both heard and honored in the decision-making process. Secondly, SDM consistently demonstrates its prowess in enhancing patient outcomes. This patient-centered approach fosters an environment where patients feel valued and involved, leading to increased satisfaction, a better quality of life, and a notable reduction in decisional regret. Moreover, it fortifies patient adherence to treatment plans and significantly betters clinical outcomes.

In the realm of healthcare, SDM transcends being a mere process; it becomes a conduit for the realization of optimal care and health promotion. It effectively personalizes care delivery, ensuring that interventions align with each patient's unique needs, values, and preferences. Importantly, SDM nurtures trust and rapport between patients and healthcare providers, serving as the bedrock of effective communication. When patients feel heard and respected, it paves the way for open and honest dialogues, which, in turn, bolster healthcare decisions and ultimately lead to improved health outcomes. Additionally, SDM is instrumental in empowering patients to be active participants in their health journeys. It fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for their well-being, thus propelling health promotion efforts to new heights.

In conclusion, the evidence gleaned from the systematic review and meta-analysis by Stacey J. Pereira et al. underscores the pivotal role of SDM in modern healthcare. By respecting patient autonomy and consistently yielding positive patient outcomes, SDM epitomizes a best practice that is integral to the delivery of client-centered care and the promotion of health across the life span. Its capacity to personalize care, foster trust, and empower patients underscores its status as a cornerstone of contemporary healthcare delivery.

Okafor Aboh


19 hours ago, at 10:45 PM

Top of Form

In healthcare allowing the patient to have the autonomy over their own healthcare decisions is an important part in delivering client center care and promoting health. It is important that all parties of the healthcare team work together to achieve the desired needs of the patient. An important “best practice technique” to perform to achieve this is to provide patient centered communication. This means that the patients care is centered around the clients values, health concerns, and beliefs. It is also important for the patient to have an effective trustworthy relationship with nurse or provider on their team so they can effectively establish any possible personal or behavioral related barriers that may interfere with the care of the client. 

Patient centered care reflects strictly on the specific needs of the individual patient and the best effective ways to provide them. Providing healthcare services that reflect and respect the needs of the patient results in positive outcomes for the clients health outside of the facility. Patient centered care requires the healthcare team to show respect towards the client, their needs, preferences, and values. When all parties are on the same page it makes an easier recovery process for the client and a smoother visit for the healthcare professionals. 

Nursing Research



The background and significance (B&S) paper is a five (5) page paper in APA format (excluding title page, abstract, references and appendices) that could form the introductory section of your clinical scholarly project. 

The B&S will introduce a clinical problem and the clinical context that led you to identify the clinical question. You will review the relevant background literature and theory related to the problem. You will discuss the relevance of this review to a local clinical setting at the unit, organizational, metropolitan, state, national, and international levels as applicable. 

You will discuss the potential benefits and challenges of addressing the clinical question in the local setting, and explore the larger contextual impact related to this problem. 

Please note, this paper will discuss the introductory background literature and theoretical basis related to a clinical problem. 

Clinical Topic Assigned: The Prevalence of Depression and Suicide Ideation Among Adolescents.



Instructions: Select one of the topic mentioned below and discuses filling the attached form.




– The discussion must address the topic

– Rationale must be provided

– May use examples from your nursing practicege or references in the 600 words)

Ø May use examples from your nursing practice

– Plagiarism is NOT permittedt older than 5 years. Not Websites are allowed.

Ø Use 3 academic sources, not older than 5 years. Not Websites are allowed.

Ø Plagiarism is NOT permitted

Cap: 2 and 3 (4900)

Assessment 2 (5 -7 pages)

Assessment 3 ( 5-7 pages)