
 Post a brief introduction of yourself to your colleagues. Include an explanation as to how Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Also include an explanation for how the Walden MSN Program Outcomes and perspectives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Finally, explain why networking is important and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals 


One is an individual plan of care. This can be a (personal plan of care based on your own culture or a culture of your choice).In place of an APA ASSIGNMENT,  please draft an individual plan of care related to one’s personal culture or a selected population of interest. 

  • The culture that is being recognized.
  • Unique traits of that culture (language, preferences, family dynamics, dietary needs).
  • Health problems associated with that culture.
  • Corrective measures and community resources.
  • Expected outcomes. 
  • Include citations to support your presented data




I need a psychiatric progress note regarding a patient with PPH: of Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia . It cannot be similar, Thank you.

Here below I leave you a sample.

 Patient is a XXXX  y/o, female with Past Psychiatric History of Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia was seen today on telehealth platform for follow up and medication treatment who alleges getting better with the last treatment of trazodone 50mg at bedtime  and mirtazapine 7.5mg at bedtime, she reports decrease symptoms of sadness ,loneliness, depression , hopelessness, as well as she expresses feeling motivated, optimistic and with more energy in the morning, improve mood, self-esteem and affect because she feels useful ,decreased anxiety and stressing over her personal problems, restlessness, nervousness, as result decreased difficulty falling asleep because sleeping better and more hours at night with her previous treatment the melatonin 5mg at bedtime, also in the morning she waking up rested after a night’s sleep. Patient denies side effects of the medications, suicidal and homicidal ideation, no visual or auditory hallucinations, agitation, psychotic symptoms or paranoia .Follow up in 4 weeks.


 Due 10/13/23 @ 1600 EST

Respond by sharing ideas for how shortcomings discovered in their evaluations and/or their examples of incivility could have been managed more effectively. 

using APA, at least 2 scholarly references 



I recently conducted a Work Environment Assessment to evaluate workplace civility in the acute psychiatric inpatient unit. The results of the assessment painted a mixed picture. On the positive side, most staff members consistently exhibited professionalism and respect in their interactions with colleagues and patients. Team collaboration during shift handoffs and interdisciplinary meetings was generally effective and respectful.

.However, the assessment also revealed challenges. There were instances of incivility during high-stress situations, such as patient crises or when dealing with challenging patients. Communication breakdowns occurred when staff members were overwhelmed, leading to frustration and occasional conflicts. Some employees expressed concerns about a lack of adequate resources, contributing to heightened tensions ((Abt et al.,2021)

.Overall, the workplace in the psychiatric inpatient unit could be characterized as moderately civil. While there were numerous examples of professionalism and respect, the high-stress nature of the environment occasionally led to lapses in civility. In my personal experience, I encountered incivility during a team debriefing following a challenging patient case. The charge nurse became frustrated with a staff member she believed had not followed protocol during the crisis, leading to a heated argument in front of the team.

This situation needed urgent action to stop any further deterioration. The parties could speak freely and with less hostility because of this one-to-one discussion. The clinical supervisor subsequently mediated the process, delving into the underlying issues to devise an alternative means of communication between the two parties. The latter included conflict resolution/communication training that was introduced in advance. An acute psychiatric inpatient unit is a high-stress healthcare setting where it is essential to deal with incivility simultaneously to maintain a therapeutic and civil working environment (Mabona et al.,2022).


Abt, M., Lequin, P., Bobo, M., Vispo Cid Perrottet, T., Pasquier, J., & Ortoleva Bucher, C. (2021). The scope of nursing practice in a psychiatric unit: A time and motion study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing29(2), 297–306. to an external site.

Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: Barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC Nursing20(1). to an external site.

Mabona, J. F., Van Rooyen, D., & Ten Ham-Baloyi, W. (2022). Best practice recommendations for healthy work environments for nurses: An integrative literature review. Health SA Gesondheid27

Article Summary 1


  1. What is the research question?
  2. What research method is being used?
  3. How are the subjects chosen (explain the parameters & how many)
  4. What are the results of the study?
  5. What are the recommendations?
  6. What is your opinion? 

Effect of Delayed Newborn Bath

Please follow directions attached. Thank you

5 cl


discuss a very brief description (one paragraph for the group session– do NOT include the actual 12-steps) to include the following: 

Official name of the program or group you observed.

evidence based

NUR640 Week 1 Assignment 1.2 Page 1


Assignment Title: Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome (PICO)

Step 1 for your Evidence-Based Practice Mini-Project (Research Proposal)

Assignment Overview:

For your Evidence-Based Practice Mini-Project Step 1, you will submit your PICO question, identify 5 research articles from Levels of Evidence I-V, and write the following for your Mini-Research Proposal: Your introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, Significance of your Mini-Research Proposal, your Research Question, and which theory supports your Mini-Research Proposal.


The final copy of your Step1 Mini-Research Proposal assignment is due on or before Sunday at 11:59pm just before Week 2 begins, at the latest. Be sure to use the file naming protocol: NUR640_EBP Step 1_last name_mmddyyyy.

Assignment Details:

For this assignment, you will write part of Section 1 of your Mini-Research Proposal. Use the discernment gained from your Week 1 Discussion of identifying a problem or area of interest and writing a PICO question as a basis for beginning your Section 1. Review Chapter 2 (Manuscript Structure and Content) and Chapter 3 (Writing Clearly and Concisely) from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).

Note, you will submit a 2-3 page paper plus your Title Page and Reference Page that clearly identifies the following areas:

1) PICO Question;

2) 5 Research articles with Levels of Evidence of I-IV;

3) Your introduction, problem statement, purpose statement, and significance of your Mini-Research Proposal, along with the theory undergirding your PICO and Problem statement.

PICO Question: Describe the Problem/Population (P); Your Intervention (I); your Comparison (C), and Outcomes (O).

Research Articles (5) between I-IV Levels of Evidence with APA reference citation. Identify the level of evidence of each article after the reference citation that goes at the end of this Assignment submission.

Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, and Significance of your Mini-Research Proposal. Your
problem statement provides an overview of your Mini-Research Proposal topic and a clear statement of the need for this Mini-Research Proposal topic. The 5 articles that you have selected should provide rationale for the need for this Mini-Research Proposal. Your
purpose statement justifies the need for your Mini-Research Proposal and is supported in the literature. The
significance of your Mini-Research Proposal is clearly stated and supported by the literature. The
research question is clearly presented. Your selected
theory may be based on pathophysiology, a nurse theory, or from any health-related discipline.

Note: Your Step 1 of the Mini-Research Proposal should have an introduction and summary of what you have written.

Grading: Each part of your Mini-Research Proposal has a grading rubric. All submissions should have a title page and reference page. Each Section of the Mini-Research Proposal will then be added together the Week 5 assignment, which will be graded again with a new rubric that includes your best revision based on detailed weekly instructor feedback. Points will be lost if suggestions are not incorporated into the final Week 5 Submission of your Mini-Research Proposal. (See Week 5 Assignment rubric).



English 101

Assignment Guide: The Persuasive Letter

Assignment Prompt

For this assignment, you will be writing a letter compelling a friend or family member to change either a behavior or a belief with which you disagree. Choose your own topic, but for example, this letter could petition an enthusiastic neighbor to scale down his blinding Christmas decorations, an immature cousin to take a gap year between high school and college, a grandparent to vote to pass the new school district budget, a friend to stop drinking, or a spouse to reconcile with an estranged sibling. Because the letter will be written to an individual of your choosing, you must tailor your 
language and 
logic to the person to whom you are writing. 

Assignment-Specific Requirements:

Length: This assignment should be at least 750 words. 


Underline your 
thesis statement or the main 
claim of your letter.

Sources Needed: None required. 
Cite if used, following 
MLA guidelines

Page Formatting: Use 
MLA guidelines.  Also add an opening salutation (e.g. Dear Sarah, or Hello, Jon.), and a closing salutation & signature (Best regards, Tom or Sincerely, Liza)


 Requirements: See 
Formatting your Essay: MLA 8th Edition

Rhetorical Mode

The goal of 
persuasive writing is to get a 
reader (your 
audience) to agree with your 
point of view
Persuasive writing blends facts and emotion to convince the 
reader that the writer is right. This 
genre relies on opinion and emotion to a greater extent than argumentative writing, but in moving a 
reader, the successful persuasive letter also deploys logically sound 
argumentation and quite often researched support and fact. 

Rhetorical Considerations


The purpose of 
drafting a persuasive letter is to move your 
reader to agree with your 
point of view
Persuasion is single-minded; it is based on a conviction that a particular way of thinking or acting is the only way to go; all of the energy of the letter works toward this end. As a writer, you will present one side–your side. While an 
opposing point should be mentioned, it is only mentioned to be refuted or dismissed in the service of your position.  


Persuasive writing is almost always written with a particular 
audience in mind.  For this piece of writing, you will direct your persuasive letter to one person. Thus, your 
audience is not imagined, but rather very real, and that person and their characteristics will inform many of the choices you make as a writer. The persuasive letter requires constant negotiation with another person’s mind. At every phase of the writing process, as you prewrite, draft, and 
revise, this assignment will ask you to imagine and anticipate how your 
reader feels, responds, and thinks.   


This piece of writing will be presented using a letter format.  Thus, while you still need an 
style heading to format your work for submission, you will address your letter directly to your 
reader with a formal letter salutation. 

Five Features of a Persuasive Letter

Rhetorical Situation: 
Persuasive Writing vs. Argumentative Writing: 
Persuasive writing, in a way, is a form of argumentative writing; however, the goal of 
persuasive writing is to get a 
reader or group of readers to agree with you/your 
point of view on a particular topic, and the goal of argumentative writing is to get the 
reader to acknowledge that your side is valid and is worth considering. 
Persuasive writing blends facts with emotion in an attempt to convince the 
reader that the writer is “right,” while in argumentative writing, the writer cites relevant reasons, credible facts, and sufficient 
evidence in order to convince the 
reader to consider a particular perspective. The nuances are subtle but important to consider. (Later in this course you will be crafting an argument and will see the differences in these genres of writing with greater clarity. The letter makes balanced use of the three rhetorical appeals to persuade a 
reader to change a behavior or belief.  The three appeals, which come to us from that consequential deceased Greek, Aristotle, are: 




a writer’s or speaker’s credibility. In your letter, therefore, 
ethos is you, sort of. It’s the “you” that your writing transmits to your 
reader, the sum total of your 
tone and 
language choices, and also the values and intelligence that your writing communicates. Therefore, be vigilant with your work because 
ethos is the appeal that’s most immediately harmed by faulty word choices, punctuation mistakes, and lapses in 



the appeal to a 
reader’s emotions and values. Get your 
reader to feel. Play (in a non-evil way) on their emotions–their compassion, their fears, their sense of community.   



the appeal to a 
logic or reason.  Ensure your 
claims are logical, free of fallacies, and backed with specific support.  



Organize using argumentative structure: an 
introduction with a 
claim, body paragraphs that advance points in support of the 
claim, and a 



s: Uses 
transitional phrases to connect your ideas and move the 
reader forward smoothly and logically between sentences. 



: The letter’s appeals are personalized to the 
reader’s characteristics–their professional role and its obligations, as well as their values and emotions. 

Formal or Informal Writing? The 
tone of the letter depends upon the recipient and your relationship and also upon 
subject matter. The 
tone should enhance the letter’s persuasive efforts, not undermine them. Always strive for a respectful approach.

Mini-Lesson on 






Plan to use these appeals heavily throughout your Persuasive Letter.


This is an 
ethical appeal. It relies on your reliability and credibility as the author. 

· Includes 
reliable sources

· Is written from an unbiased perspective

· Shows the writer’s expertise through the presentation of careful insight and research


This is an 
emotional appeal. It relies on the construction of careful connection between the 
claims presented and the emotions of the readers. 

· Includes the writer’s values and beliefs

· Uses stories or examples that convey emotion

· Contains broader appeal and 


This is an appeal to 
logic and reason. It relies on facts and figures that can convince the 
reader of the 

· Relies on fact and opinion

· Focuses on reasonable 
claims and 
organization of ideas

· Only includes relevant material with a 



Healthcare organizations continually seek to optimize healthcare performance. For years, this approach was a three-pronged one known as the Triple Aim, with efforts focused on improved population health, enhanced patient experience, and lower healthcare costs.

More recently, this approach has evolved to a Quadruple Aim by including a focus on improving the work life of healthcare providers. Each of these measures are impacted by decisions made at the organizational level, and organizations have increasingly turned to EBP to inform and justify these decisions.

To Prepare:

· Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016); and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources.

· Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.

· Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.

To Complete:

Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.

Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of:

· Patient experience

· Population health

· Costs

· Work life of healthcare providers