Theory Logic Model for hypertension in homeless
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Please see the attachment for instructions
Replies two peers with 200 words each one
1.Sensitivity and specificity are measures of the accuracy of a screening test that we use to identify the presence or absence of a particular condition in an individual.
Sensitivity measures the proportion of true positives that are correctly identified by a screening test. In other words, it tells us the percentage of people who have the condition and are correctly identified by the screening test as having it.
Specificity measures the proportion of true negatives that are correctly identified by a screening test. That is, it tells us the percentage of people who do not suffer from the condition and who the screening test correctly identifies as not suffering.
Both sensitivity and specificity are important in determining the accuracy of a screening test, as they inform us about how effective the test is in correctly identifying both positive and negative cases. Ideally, we want a screening test that has high sensitivity and specificity, so that we can accurately identify the presence or absence of the condition being tested.
There are several factors that can affect sensitivity and specificity:
The threshold or cutoff value used to define a positive screening result. The lower the threshold, the more sensitivity increases but specificity decreases, while a higher threshold increases specificity but decreases sensitivity.
Also important is the prevalence of the condition in the population tested. In a population with high prevalence, the positive predictive value of the test may be higher, while in a population with low prevalence, false positive results may be more common.
Characteristics of the population being tested, such as age, sex, and comorbidities, which may influence the accuracy of the test.
It is important to note that sensitivity and specificity are not absolute measures of a test’s accuracy, but rather represent a balance between correctly identifying true positives and true negatives. Therefore, the decision to use a particular screening test should be based on a thorough evaluation of its performance characteristics and its suitability for the population being screened.
Considering the aforementioned aspects of sensitivity and specificity, we will be able to accurately address research studies, achieving better results.
2. Building evidence-based practice requires difficult assessment of diagnostic tests and measures. Sensitivity and specificity are vital parameters in identifying the validity of this important study. Sensitivity measures the ability of a test to properly identify individuals with a specific condition, while specificity gauges the ability to correctly identify individuals without the condition. Understanding these metrics is a fundamental advance study for healthcare and research settings for accurate disease identification and treatment planning. Sensitivity, also known as the true positive rate, measures the proportion of actual positives correctly identified by the test. High sensitivity ensures that individuals with the condition are unlikely to be missed, reducing the chances of false negatives. For instance, in cancer screening, a highly sensitive test detects can even detect early-stage of the cancers, leading to timely interventions and improved outcomes and like this be able to act. Sensitivity is crucial when early detection significantly influences patient prognosis, allowing for prompt medical intervention. On the other hand, specificity, or by other definition the true negative rate, reflects the proportion of individuals without the condition who are correctly identified by the test. High specificity minimizes false positives, confirming that healthy individuals are not unnecessarily subjected to further, potentially invasive, testing or treatments. For example, in HIV testing, high specificity is vital to prevent unnecessary emotional distress and healthcare costs resulting from false-positive results. Specificity is particularly important when a positive test result can lead to significant consequences, such as starting potent treatments or imposing lifestyle changes. There is often a difference between sensitivity and specificity. Increasing sensitivity may decrease specificity and vice versa, leading to a balance dilemma. Reaching to an optimal equilibrium is essential; too much focus on sensitivity might lead to overdiagnosis and overtreatment, while too much specificity might result in missed diagnoses. Applying the right balance will help individuals and it will and varies based on the medical condition, available treatments, and potential consequences of false results.
In summary, sensitivity and specificity are fundamental components in the screening aspects, tests playing a crucial role in evidence-based practice. Understanding and optimizing these parameters are imperative for clinicians and researchers, ensuring that diagnostic tests are trustworthy, leading to improved patient outcomes. By appreciating the balance between sensitivity and specificity, healthcare professionals can make informed choices, enhancing the quality of care and advancing evidence-based medicine.
For your Assignment, your Instructor will assign you one of the decision tree interactive media pieces provided in the Resources. As you examine the patient case studies in this module’s Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting symptoms of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders.
To Prepare:
Write a 1- to 2-page summary paper that addresses the following:
By now you know that administrative responsibilities in health care facilities are managed by professionals who oversee medical facility processes, have in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements, and have a thorough understanding of the complexities involved in patient care. Drawing upon what you have learned in this course, imagine you have been invited to an annual meeting for a large national health care company. You have been asked to speak to a group of managers and directors about the strategic role of health care administrators and must prepare a comprehensive overview of the political, legal, and ethical aspects of the health care administrator’s role.
For this assignment, create a professional, narrated presentation focused on the political, legal, and ethical aspects of the health care administrator’s role. Your target audiences are professionals in the industry who do not have a thorough understanding of your work.
Create a PowerPoint (or Prezi) and record the presentation using Kaltura. Follow the content outline below and use speaker notes to cover the required topics listed here:
Provide an overview of the political, legal, and ethical aspects specific to the health care administrator’s role (2-3 slides).
Summarize how the different aspects you identified above overlap and interface (1-2 slides).
Provide three examples of the duties and responsibilities involved in health care administration, such as risk management, policy, and procedure, regulatory compliance, ethics board, compliance officer, et cetera (2-3 slides).
List two types of jobs or titles often found in health care delivery settings that are focused on risk management and regulatory compliance; including a review of the importance and benefits of these functions within the health care system (1-2 slides).
Summarize how the political, legal, and ethical issues affect patients and staff including the patient benefits (2-3 slides).
Summarize how the political, legal, and ethical issues affect the financial and business operations of a health care facility (2-3 slides).
Summarize the health care administrator’s role in regard to political, legal, and ethical issues related to an issue such as a data breach, a HIPAA or EMTALA violation, et cetera. Review the implications of this function if mishandled (2-3 slides).
Note: The presentation should not exceed 15 slides (with speaker notes), including a title slide and reference slide.
Michelle, a 21-year-old female, has been admitted informally to an acute mental health unit this is her first admission.
Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or future practice area, identify an issue or concern. In your initial response, please describe the concern. Does the concern primarily occur at the micro, meso, or macro level? How would you address this issue? What impact might your solution have on the other levels of the system? In what ways could interprofessional collaboration be used to resolve the issue?
My practice area will be Infectious Disease
Identify 5 research articles and write a brief summary of the Ethical approaches used in the research studies.
500 words
APA 7 format from the last 3 to 5 years
Academic writing
Frontal page
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the assignment
1. Research the literature and obtain two to three resources for current,
evidence-based information related to Tapinarof
2. Develop a teaching brochure and one page paper following these guidelines.
a. Brochure for nurses- Focus on nurses for literacy level
• Key/Relevant Drug Information (30 points/30%)
o Drug Class
o Mechanism of Action
o Drug Administration and Dosage
o Drug Interactions
o Lab effects/interference
• Patient Education Considerations (35 points/35%)
o Nursing Management
o Patient Education Considerations (special considerations)- provide examples
specific to client age needs- geriatric, pediatric and pregnant client
o Patient Assessment
o Side Effects/Adverse Effects/Toxicities
o Special considerations- provide examples specific to client age needs-
geriatric, pediatric, and pregnant clients
o Visual Effects/Creativity (10 points/10%)
o Developed per the required standard
o Appropriate for the intended audience (focus on nurses for literacy level)
o Graphics enhance the purpose of the brochure
o Brochure is visually appealing
b. One Page Paper (15 points/15%)
• Describes intended use of brochure (focus on nurses for literacy level)
• Includes:
o Name
o Date
o Class
o Reference page
• Describe how brochure information would be revised if intended brochure
audience had a low health literacy level.
c. APA Format (5 points/5%)
• Includes no more than 3 unique errors with APA format (current ed.)
• At least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the
textbook, are provided
d. Writing and Mechanics (5 points/5%)
• Clearly written
• Includes no more than three unique errors of grammar
• Includes no more than three unique errors in writing mechanics
• Paper is one page, excluding references and title page
case study
Provide a response 3 discussions prompts that your colleagues provided in their video presentations. You may also provide additional information, alternative points of view, research to support treatment, or patient education strategies you might use with the relevant patient.
Responses exhibit synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings…. Responses provide clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources…. Responses demonstrate synthesis and understanding of Learning Objectives…. Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues…. Presenters’ prompts/questions posed in the case presentations are thoroughly addressed…. Responses are effectively written in standard, edited English.
1. What role can patients themselves play in their treatment?
2. In cases of comorbid bipolar disorder and PTSD, how can a trauma-informed care approach enhance treatment outcomes?
3. What other diagnosis can you apply to the patient in this case?