


In your reading of Chapter 12 – 
Encountering Islam: The Straight Path of the One God you have gained a better understanding of what the religion of Islam is all about from the context of its history, sacred scriptures, beliefs and practices, code of ethics, etc. You will now use the information gleaned in the chapter to expand upon particular elements of Islam enumerated below: 

Islamic Symbols and Names (.5 pages)

A. Identify a common Islamic symbol and explain its significance

I. Consider the following:

1. History/Origins of the symbol

2. Important religious figure(s) associated with the symbol and their involvement with it

3. How is the symbol utilized by Muslims today?

A. Is it used during prayer/worship?

B. Is it worm as an outward sign of faith?

B. Distinguish between the terms 'Islam' and 'Muslim' as it relates to the Islamic faith

Life of the Prophet Muhammed (.5-1 pages)

A. Discuss who the Prophet Muhammed was and the impact that he had on Islam.

B. Describe 2 key events from the Prophet Muhammed’s life.

C. Address how these events are commemorated by Muslims today

Sacred Scriptures (.5 pages)

A. Analyze what the Qur’an is and assess upon how Muslims use it today

I. Consider the following:

1. Importance of particular Surahs in the Qur’an

2. How the sacred text came into existence

3. Important religious figures mentioned in the Qur’an

Beliefs and Practices (2 – 3 pages)
In the religion of Islam there is set of beliefs that all Muslim’s must follow. These are known as the 
Articles of Faith and their foundations are found in the Qur’an. The 6 articles of faith tell Muslims what to believe in and then the 
5 Pillars of Islam explain how to implement these beliefs in their daily lives.


A. Interpret the meaning of 
each of the Six Articles of Faith 
(1-1.5 pages)

I. Belief in the Oneness of Allah (God)

II. Belief in the Angels

III. Belief in the Books of Allah

IV. Belief in the Prophets of Allah

V. Belief in the Day of Judgement

VI. Belief in the Divine Decree – Will of Allah 

B. Articulate the significance of 
each of the Five Pillars of Islam listed below and demonstrate how these pillars are lived out by Muslims today 
(1-1.5 pages)

I. Shahadah – Profession of Faith

II. Salah – Prayer

III. Zakah – Almsgiving

IV. Sawm – Fasting

V. Hajj – Pilgrimage  


Submission Instructions:

· This report must be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font & double-spaced.

· Each section of the report must include a section title on a separate line (ex: Christian Symbols, Christianity in Context, etc.).

· Each section must incorporate at least 1 direct quotation from wither the course text (
World RELG4: Introduction to World Religions) .

· The paper should be formatted per current CMOS and adhere to the page length requirements outlined above.

week 7 discussion answers

Please respond to each discussion post with 4 to 5 sentences with apa references for each 

discussion.Apa seven . All instructions attached.

Discussion Topic

Top of Form


Choose one of the following case studies and answer the following questions. The information provided may not be sufficient but it is what is available for you to analyze and conceptualize how you might proceed with the following patients, Case Example A and Case Example B. After reviewing each vignette discuss with colleagues the following questions. There are no single correct answers to the questions, just different approaches to take.

1.In reviewing this chapter, which factors are important to consider for this patient?

2.What additional information would you like to have to be more comfortable in working with this patient?

3.How will you explain your diagnosis and treatment plan in relation to the patient presentation? What treatment options will you recommend and why?

4.What is your initial approach in negotiating treatment for this patient?

5.What medication changes would you want to discuss with the patient and how will you negotiate that with her or him?

6.What time frame do you propose for this plan, and how will you transition with the patient?

7.How will you coordinate care with the other providers working with this patient?

8.After stabilization, which psychotherapeutic approach would you take?

Post your initial response and on a different day respond to one student in your class. Both responses should be a minimum of 150 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of 2 references are required (other than your text).


Campus security was called to the dormitory to assess a 19-year-old man who barricaded himself in his room and covered the windows with aluminum foil. His roommate reported that this man hasn’t been attending classes for the past week, hasn’t bathed or eaten, and has been mumbling that the FBI is monitoring all his communications. Security removed the door and took the man into custody and to the community mental health center for evaluation.

History of current episode: Information obtained by interview with the patient and with collateral telephone interviews with each of his parents, his college roommate, and his English professors. This is the first year away from home for this young man, who has been described as an “odd and reserved” person since teen years. Academically he did well his first semester at college, although he has made few friends and does not participate in any social or extracurricular events. His teachers describe him as a bright and quiet student. His parents, who live in a small town over 70 miles away from the college, expressed sadness but not surprise at his behavioral deterioration because they didn’t expect him to be able to cope with the discrepancy of the large college campus compared to his small-town previous experience.

Psychiatric history: Although he has never been hospitalized or had outpatient psychiatric treatment, this young man has been showing signs of emotional and cognitive disorganization since his early teens. During his high school years the patient became more and more aloof, and strange with both his family and friends. At times he would be mute for days at a time, remained in his room and refused to bathe. He said he did not have control over his thoughts and he believed he was possessed. In his junior year of high school his counselor recommended he attend a breakout group to help him learn interpersonal skills and make friends, but he never attended. The summer before going to college his parents asked if he wanted to see a therapist or counselor to talk about transitions but he said he didn’t want to do that and that he wasn’t concerned about living away from his family for the first time.

Medical history: Has had regular preventive care and immunizations through local family practice. In good health, weight proportion to height, denies smoking or alcohol or drug consumption. Broke his left wrist at age 7 years when he fell off his bike. Moderate acne in late teens treated with oral doxycycline for several months. No drug or food allergies. Allergic reaction to bee sting when 10 years old with swelling, shortness of breath, now carries EpiPen.

Family history: Has an older brother, 23 years old, who graduated from college and is now attending graduate school in business administration. Younger sister is 15 years old and in good health. Father is a business executive, has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) related to long-standing cigarette smoking. Mother is an Episcopal priest and is in good health. Maternal uncle died at age 49, diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Personal history: Normal pregnancy and uncomplicated childbirth. Was an active and creative child who enjoyed reading, art, and cooking with his mother and grandmother. Parents said he started to become reserved and shy in middle school for no apparent reason. By early teens he seemed socially inept, had few friends, and preferred solitary play. Never interested in romantic relationships or dating in high school and spent most of his time studying or reading fantasy novels. Seemed to be withdrawn and serious, although denied feeling sad, or depressed.

Trauma/abuse history: Mild bullying in middle school, otherwise no apparent trauma.

Mental status examination: Well groomed, neatly attired, cooperative. Polite without motor abnormalities or gait. Moderate eye contact when directly addressed. Alert, mildly sedated, oriented to time, place, person. Attentive during interview and provided accurate albeit minimal history that was corroborated by family members. Based on fund of knowledge seemed of average intelligence. Speech is normal rate and soft spoken and at times mumbled responses to questions. Stated that he hears a soft voice in his head that tells him to “be careful” but offered no other explanation of voices. Denied visual or other perceptual hallucinations. Thought processes are linear and coherent. Reports that he believes people talk about him behind his back and that he is being controlled by unseen forces. Refused to elaborate on these thoughts. Stated that he has never thought of killing himself or anyone else. Described his mood as “fine” and refused to elaborate. Affect is flat. Demonstrates impulse control and alludes to feeling like an automaton. Judgment is reasonable in terms of recognizing consequences of actions.

Current medications: No regularly prescribed medications. Given lorazepam 1.0 mg orally in urgent care when brought in by campus security because of his extreme agitation. Slept for an hour after administration while waiting to be interviewed.

Differential diagnosis: Brief Psychotic Disorder versus First Episode of Schizophrenia. The duration of the episode is greater than 1 day but uncertain if longer than 1 month, and no previous psychiatric hospitalization. Teen years are suggestive of prodromal period of schizophrenia that may be precipitated by stress of independence from family and college experience.


John B. is a 15-year-old man of Sudanese descent who resides with his mother, grandmother, 23-year-old brother, and his brother’s wife. They are all asylum seekers to the United States, having arrived from South Sudan 2 years prior to this. He is seen in this mental health clinic after discharge from an inpatient stay following a suicide attempt by hanging.

Brother found patient hanging by a rope tied to the clothes rod in the closet. Patient was cyanotic with slow pulse and taken to the hospital by ambulance. He was treated in the inpatient adolescent unit for 1 week and discharged to this clinic for an assessment and follow-up treatment. He reported that he has been feeling depressed “for as long as I can remember” with low self-esteem, feelings of hopelessness and being a burden to his family, guilt, and self-hatred. He said he had been thinking about killing himself for several months and has been cutting on his arms in practicing for this. His brother came home from work unexpectedly to find him. He described not fitting in at school and not feeling comfortable in his new home. His brother arranged to bring his mother and grandmother to the United States to flee from the war. His brother was brought to the United States when he was 14 years old under the UNICEF program for rehabilitation of child soldiers, and believes the patient was being recruited to be a soldier before coming here. Patient sleeps less than 4 hours/night with frequent nightmares and refuses to sleep in bed, prefers to sleep under the bed. Has poor appetite. Teachers report he has difficulty concentrating in school and has to take frequent breaks to sit in quiet room with soft music. He has made few friends and gets into fights, both physical and verbal, with other boys. Easily upset by loud noises or changes in routine at school or at home.

Medical history: Patient has no known drug or food allergies. He was treated for malnutrition upon arrival to the United States and remains underweight. He was diagnosed with mild intermittent asthma, triggered by exercise and seasonal allergies. Physical exam also revealed several horizontal scars on the inner surfaces of his left forearm.

Substance use history: Denies alcohol or drug use.

Family history: Father died in war in South Sudan when patient was 4 years old. Raised by mother and maternal grandmother with older brother. Older sister killed in village raid when patient was 5 years old. Unknown paternal history. Mother is 42 years old with unknown health history.

Personal history: Full-term birth without known complications. Attended school intermittently in South Sudan due to civil war. Currently attending special school and mostly fluent in English. Has had behavioral problems in school due to inattentiveness, anger, poor impulse control, and low frustration tolerance. Mother and grandmother do not speak English and are unable to provide description of patient’s behavior at home. Brother works two jobs, as does brother’s wife.

Trauma history: Witnessed his sister and mother being raped and sister’s death. Possible torture prior to coming to United States.

Mental status examination: Thin, lanky young man with multiple scars on arms and back. Clean, casually attired with close-cropped hair. Cooperative and sullen during the assessment. Sits in chair with legs pulled up on the chair and gripping his knees with his arms. Makes moderate eye contact. Alert, oriented to time, place, and person. Memory not formally assessed but appears to be intact based on his ability to accurately relate details from his recent experience. Hypervigilant to the environment and interviewer’s behavior. Linear thinking with abstract reasoning and seems to be of average to above average intelligence based on fund of knowledge. Speech is soft with pronounced accent, regular rate and rhythm. Comprehends English sufficiently to not need interpreter. Thinking process is coherent and goal directed. Thought content is focused on distress of hospitalization. Acknowledges wanting to die but without current plan to kill self and feeling remorseful that he upset his family with his recent attempt. Described his current mood as scared and depressed. Affect is fearful, tearful, and angry. Impulsive previous behavior with poor judgment and belief in limited future. Insight is reasonable in terms of understanding why he is referred to treatment.

Current medications prescribed at last hospitalization:

1. Prazosin 5 mg bid for nightmares and daytime stress

2. Vortioxetine 10 mg daily for depression and anxiety

3. Fluticasone-salmeterol inhaler qd for asthma

4. Theophylline 300 mg qd for asthma

Differential diagnosis: Major depressive disorder with suicidal thinking. Posttraumatic stress disorder.

Bottom of Form

power point

N402 Social Media Assignment Instruction

30 Possible Points

Overview: This assignment will engage the learner to gain a better understanding of social media use in their work environment, the risks and benefits of social media, protection of patient privacy, and the importance of appropriate social media use and content as a form of communication.

This assignment will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoints should be concise and briefly highlight information. Slides should be presented in APA 7th ed. format, be clearly presented, free of spelling and formatting errors, information should be paraphrased and include citations. Images need to be correctly credited and should include a minimum of 2 images. Turn it in report should be less than 10%

1. This assignment is based on the following article by the National Council State Boards of Nursing. The article is located in the content area of the course on D2L.

NCSBN. (2011).
White paper: A nurse’s guide to the use of social media.

2. Please review the ANA Factsheet on social media and website found in D2L


Prepare a power point presentation and include the following:

Title Slide: Name of presentation, Student Name, Instructor Name, College and Course, Date.

Social Media Policy: Discuss the types of policies that are used in your place of work. NO AGENCY names, use initials only and describe the facility. For example, small rural hospital, a hospice agency or a nursing home.

Include the date you viewed the policy and when the policy was written/and or reviewed. How is social media being used in your place of work? For your citation and reference use Agency policy and the date on the policy. Policies should be reviewed yearly so it would be a recommendation if they are outdated. Discuss findings in brief. No more than 2 slides.

Social Media Risk and Benefits: List and describe 2 of the benefits of social media for nursing
? Below is a list of possible benefits. List and describe 2 risks of social media?
Minimum 2 reference/citation for benefits and 2 reference /citation for risks. No more than 4 slides total.


1. Keep up with current health issues, trends, and up to date EBM

2. Opportunities to dialogue with colleagues

3. Education and training

4. Instant alerts in cases of disaster management

5. Dedicated phone for emergency calls to MD

6. Professional groups such as LinkedIn or Research Gate.

7. Facebook to recruit and inform public

Moral /Practice Issues: Describe at least 2 moral or practice issues have you seen arise from the use of social media.
No more than 2 slides total with at least one journal reference

Workplace Social Media: In this section identify specific social media use concern or issue for where you currently or formerly work. Illustrate the social media issue concern or issue in the form of a scenario. How will you correct the issue or concern? Examples could include:

· training for staff and what would this training include or the

· development of a departmental/hospital policy and what would need to be included.

Include :

· Recommendations on the use of social media in your place of work. Use at least 4 recommendations based on the literature reviewed. Be specific and these should be clearly stated and reasonable to the identified setting.

No more than 6 slides total for this section with Reference /citation to the reading for this assignment ANA Factsheet on Social Media and NCSBN. (2011).
White paper: A nurse’s guide to the use of social media.

Summary: End the presentation with a short statement of the main points.

References: Make sure to include 3 different references or more from additional scholarly journals or credible websites in addition to the ANA white paper and Facility policy reference.

APA: You may lose additional points for not using APA format and citing references appropriately both within the slides and on a reference page.

Critical Care Wk 1

My assigned number was 4 which is: Indications & contraindications for TPA use

Initial post:

Each student will be assigned a number randomly.  Whatever your number is, select the corresponding topic below, then post a minimum of 5 bullet points about the topic.

Your bullet points should address key components of the topic, such as what, how, who, & why.  This information should not be basic things you learned in Med/Surg, but rather advanced critical care based. For example, with Posturing: discuss what causes postering, how do you assess postering, what disease processes cause different types of postering, why is it vital for a critical care nurse to understand the physiology of posturing. 

Think about this as a group effort to create a study guide. Use ONLY your textbook, but do not cut & paste from the book.

Then create, find, or borrow a test style question about your topic & post at the bottom of your bullet points. The format needs to be multiple choice or select all that apply. Think NCLEX style.

 Each week include a paragraph with the results from one of your weekly interviews.

Discussion post assignments are worth 20 points each as follows: 

  • 5 points for the quality of your bullet points.
  • 5 points for the quality of your question.
  • 5 points for answering the question of a peer as your response.
  • 5 points for the quality of your rationale.
    • Quality is defined as thorough and thoughtful while demonstrating professional level knowledge of the topic

Module 3 Discussion

Single-payer Systems – What Works (and What Doesn’t Work) Outside of the United States

After researching a country (outside of the United States) with a single-payer health care system, share a summary of information regarding how the single-payer system works in that country of your choice. Include both the specific benefits and specific drawbacks of the system. Look at the discussion board to see what countries’ information has already been posted, and choose a country that is not posted yet to ensure a wide variety of examples for us to review. Your summary should be a concise 200-word response, using peer-reviewed sources to find facts to support your points.

Week 8 discussion

pl read the instruction, need it for today

demonstrate your understanding of and ability to analyze a root cause of a specific safety concern in a health care setting

The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to analyze a root cause of a specific safety concern in a health care setting. You will create a plan to improve the safety of patients related to the concern of medication administration safety based on the results of your analysis, using the literature and professional best practices as well as the existing resources at your chosen health care setting to provide a rationale for your plan.

Use the Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan [DOCX] Download Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan [DOCX]template to help you to stay organized and concise. This will guide you step-by-step through the root cause analysis process.

Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Analyze the root cause of a specific patient safety issue in an organization.
  • Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address the safety issue.
  • Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan to address a specific patient safety issue.
  • Identify organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve your plan.
  • Communicate in writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

discussion reply 3

provide further suggestions on how their database search might be improved. use 2 sources 

The PICO(T) question is, “Among hospitalized patients, does using two identifiers compared to one reduce medical errors?” My clinical issue of interest is the reduction of medical errors. Medical errors are gaps in care that bear potential or actual capacity to harm the patient, such as inaccurate diagnosis and incomplete diagnosis (Aljabari & Kadhim, 2021). These have the ripple effect of inappropriate investigations and treatment, then adverse care outcomes (Aljabari & Kadhim, 2021). Some solutions to medical errors include proper identification of patients, thorough history taking, and comprehensive physical examination. One evidence-based method for patient identification is using two identifiers rather than one (Mroz et al., 2019). Therefore, I am prompted to investigate whether using two identifiers compared to one among hospitalized patients reduces medical errors.

Search results discussion 

Regarding my search results, 19,600 articles appeared on the initial original search. As I added search terms such as two identifiers, one identifier, medical errors, and hospitalized patients using Boolean operators such as AND, NOT, and AND NOT, the number of articles appearing kept reducing. At first, they declined to 18,500, then to 17,200, and so on, in a declining trend.

Strategies to optimize database search on my PICO(T) question 

There are several strategies I can apply to optimize how effective a database search is while searching my PICO(T) question. These include having a specific search question, using Boolean operators, using more specific keywords, and using fewer synonyms (Degbelo & Teka, 2019). An example of a particular question is a PICO(T) question, which narrows down to a particular population, intervention, control, outcome, and timing. A more specific example is my PICO(T) question that reads, “Among hospitalized patients, does the use of two identifiers compared to one identifier reduce medical errors?” Besides, examples of Boolean operators are OR, AND, NOT, and AND NOT (Degbelo & Teka, 2019). Specific keywords, like particular search questions, direct the search further, optimizing it to give the best results. An example of keywords in my case includes “hospitalized patients,” “two identifiers,” “one identifier,” and “reduce medical errors.” Lastly, using fewer synonyms helps fetch more search results, broadening your search outcome and choosing relevant resources (Degbelo & Teka, 2019). Applying such strategies helps to make the search process more effective and thorough.


Aljabari, S., & Kadhim, Z. (2021). Common barriers to reporting medical errors. The Scientific World Journal, 2021, 1–8. to an external site.

Degbelo, A., & Teka, B. B. (2019). Spatial search strategies for Open Government Data. Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval. to an external site.

Mroz, J. E., Borkowski, N., Keiser, N., Kennel, V., Payne, S., & Shuffler, M. (2019). Learning from medical error: Current directions in research and practice on medical error prevention. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1), 18084. to an external site.  



Nurses at the baccalaureate level in all practice areas are involved in nursing informatics through interaction with information management and patient care technologies. Nurses must not only demonstrate knowledge of and skills in health information and patient care technologies, but also how to use these tools at the bedside and organizational levels. Moreover, nurses need to recognize how information gathered from various health information sources can impact decision making at the national and state regulatory levels.


To successfully prepare for this assessment, you will need to complete these preparatory activities:

· Review assessment resources and activities.

· Conduct independent research on the nursing knowledge and skills necessary to interact with health information and patient care technology.

· Focus your research on current resources available through peer-reviewed articles, professional websites, government websites, professional blogs, wikis, job boards, and so on.

· Consult the 
BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and authoritative sources.

· Interview peers in your network who are considered information technology experts.

· Ask them about how information technology advances are impacting patient care at the bedside, at the organizational level, and beyond.


For this assessment, assume you are a nurse attending a meeting of your state’s nurses association. A nurse informaticist conducted a presentation on her role and its impact on positive patient and organizational outcomes in her workplace. You realize that your organization is undergoing many technological changes. You believe this type of role could provide many benefits to your organization.

You decide to pursue proposing a nurse informaticist role in your organization. You speak to your chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager, who ask you to prepare a 4–5 page evidence-based proposal to support the new role. In this way, they can make an informed decision as to whether the addition of such a role could justify the return on investment (ROI). They need your proposal before an upcoming fiscal meeting.​ 
This is not an essay, but instead, it is a proposal to create a new Nurse Informaticist position.

One important part of this assessment is the justification of the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization and references from relevant and timely scholarly or professional resources to support the justification for creating this nurse informaticist position. The term justify means to show or prove that the nurse informaticist position brings value to the organization. This justification must include evidence from the literature to support that this position will provide a return on investment for the organization.

Proposal Format

The chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager have asked you to include the following headings in your 
proposal and to be sure to address the bullets following each heading:

Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist

· What is nursing informatics?

· What is the role of the nurse informaticist?

Nurse Informaticists and Other Health Care Organizations

· What is the experience of other health care organizations with nurse informaticists?

· How do these nurse informaticists interact with the rest of the nursing staff and the interdisciplinary team?

Impact of Full Nurse Engagement in Health Care Technology

· How does fully engaging nurses in health care technology impact:

· Patient care?

· Protected health information (security, privacy, and confidentiality)?

· In this section, you will explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients' protected health information, particularly privacy, security, and confidentiality. Evidence-based means that they are supported by evidence from scholarly sources.

· Workflow?

· Costs and return on investment?

Opportunities and Challenges

· What are the opportunities and challenges for nurses and the interdisciplinary team with the addition of a nurse informaticist role?

· How can the 
interdisciplinary team collaborate to improve quality care outcomes through technology?

Summary of Recommendations

· What are 3–4 key takeaways from your 
proposal about the recommended nurse informaticist role that you want the CNO and the HR manager to remember?

· This is the section where the justification for the implementation of the nursing informaticist role is addressed. Remember to include evidence from the literature to support your recommendation.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

Submission length: 4–5 double-spaced pages, in addition to title and references pages.

Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Citations and References: Cite a 
minimum of three current scholarly and/or authoritative sources to support your ideas. In addition, cite a 
minimum of one current professional blog or website to support your central ideas. 
Current means no more than five years old.

APA formatting: Be sure to follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult the 
Evidence and APA page on Campus.