Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project
You are designing an executable population-based change project addressing identified
practice-related problems or questions. This strongly emphasizes collaboration between
advanced practice nurses and community agencies and include working with an agency
using practice data to provide answers, which are responsive to the needs of clinicians,
administrators, and policy makers for improvement of programs or practices.
This section of the change project should include a discussion of key concepts.
1. Clarify the issue under study.
2. Propose solutions or interventions based on the literature
3. Compare other views on the problem and solutions.
4. Address the APRN role in the intervention and discuss implications for clinical
5. Discuss the implications of your change project.
6. Some important things to consider and address:
7. Does your intervention have a clear connection to your research problem?
8. What are the specific methods of data collection you are going to use, such as
surveys, interviews, questionnaires, or protocols?
9. How do you intend to analyze your results?
10. Provide a justification for subject selection and sampling procedure.
11. Describe potential limitations. Are there any practical limitations that could affect
your data collection? How will you attempt to control the limitations?
12. How will your change project help fill gaps in understanding the research
13. This section should be 6–7 pages in length, not including the cover or reference
page. You must reference a minimum of 5 scholarly articles.
14. Use the current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Review
the rubric for more information on how the assignment will be graded.
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome Content 64 to >52.48 pts
Meets Expectations
Succinctly clarifies the issue under study. Provides
a brief summary of the project including main
points and anticipated findings. Provides keen
insight into obstacles and proposes sound,
creative solutions or interventions based on the
literature review findings. Expertly compares other
views on the problem and solutions with detail.
Uses examples to thoroughly address the FNP role
in the intervention and discusses implications for
clinical practice. Thoughtfully discusses the
implications of the change project and its
significance to the nursing profession and filling
gaps in knowledge. Accurately categorizes and
thoroughly explains specific methods of data
collection to be used. Explains in detail how data
will be analyzed and used. Provides a sound
justification for subject selection and sampling
procedure. Accurately and thoroughly describes
potential limitations to data collection and control.
Meets all of the criteria of the written assignment.
64 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
8 to >6.56 pts
Meets Expectations
Content is well written throughout. Information is
well organized and clearly communicated.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome APA
8 to >6.56 pts
Meets Expectations
Follows all the requirements related to format,
length, source citations, and layout. The
assignment is free of spelling and grammatical
8 pts
- Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project