Intercultural Communication
150-200 WORDS
150-200 WORDS
This discussion forum will focus on the first step in program planning: assembling the change team.
1,Review the Process of Program Planning document posted in the Week 1 module. The objective of step 1 in the program planning process is to assemble a team of leaders, staff members and possibly healthcare consumers with the authority, expertise, credibility and motivation necessary to drive a successful change program.
2.Consider your workplace, or the workplace where you will complete your capstone project. Answer the following questions in your initial post:
a. Provide a brief description of the workplace, at the level where change will be instituted (ie. unit versus hospital)
b. Which individuals would you want on a team to investigate the need for change? It is not necessary to name individuals, but rather to list their job titles. What is your rationale for selecting these individuals? Do they fulfill any of the following team roles?
–Executive Sponsor –a senior leader with enough clout to implement new approaches
–Clinical or Technical Support-has expert knowledge of the relevant clinical subject matter or of the technology used
–Champion– Staff who are supportive of a change, and willing to mentor others to make change happen
–Front-line leader– Understands the impacts of making changes on processes used in the delivery of nursing and healthcare
c. Discuss the use of interdisciplinary change teams. Are they more or less impactful than those of one discipline? Please provide a rationale explaining your answer.
In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peer’s posts. The discussion closure for each week’s discussion topic is Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. (It is the expectation of this course that each student respond to any questions asked of them in the discussion forum by Sunday at 11:59pm Mountain Time.). cite all resources per APA
As a psychiatric and mental health nurse practitioner, it is essential for you to have a strong background in foundational neuroscience. In order to diagnose and treat patients, you must not only understand the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders but also how medications for these disorders impact the central nervous system. These concepts of foundational neuroscience can be challenging to understand. Therefore, this Discussion is designed to encourage you to think through these concepts, develop a rationale for your thinking, and deepen your understanding by interacting with your colleagues.
For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources and reflect on the concepts of foundational neuroscience as they might apply to your role as the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner in prescribing medications for patients.
Post a response to each of the following:
one-page abstract on chapter 3 from the Kaakinen et al. textbook. The abstract shall highlight the salient points in the chapter, not to exceed one page double-spaced, including a brief critique, and comply with APA 7th Edition format and style with 3 references.
Please see the attachment for instructions
Leadership is an integral element in any job, regardless of the work title. However, it is important to recognize that leadership is not just one single skill; instead, success in leadership depends on a broad range of skills, among them are decision making, collaboration, and communication.
Develop a 3–4 page professional response to the supervisor in which you analyze your leadership skills and how you would use them to lead a project requiring group collaboration using the Letter Template which has two main components. In your response:
This Book Must be used for at-least 1 reference – New Leadership for Today’s Health Care Professionals, 2nd Edition
& 2-3 other current sources below
Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:
In 2–3 pages, plus introduction and references pages.APA format and free plagiarism
Submit your Assignment. Attach copies of or links to the suicide and violence risk assessments you selected.
· Explain your state laws (FLORIDA) for involuntary psychiatric holds for child and adult psychiatric emergencies. Include who can hold a patient and for how long, who can release the emergency hold, and who can pick up the patient after a hold is released.
· Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state.
· Explain the difference between capacity and competency in mental health contexts.
· Select one of the following topics, and explain one legal issue and one ethical issue related to this topic that may apply within the context of treating psychiatric emergencies: patient autonomy, EMTALA, confidentiality, HIPAA privacy rule, HIPAA security rule, protected information, legal gun ownership, career obstacles (security clearances/background checks), and payer source.( choose the one you want.)
· Identify one evidence-based suicide risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.
· Identify one evidence-based violence risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.
The development of nursing knowledge is an ongoing process. Discuss the case for the ongoing development and use of nursing grand theories and conversely, make a case for the obsolescence of nursing grand theories for today’s practice and research.
Require 400 words and at least 3 scholarly references no later than 5 years old.
No Plagiarism
Develop a 4-6 page holistic intervention plan design to improve the quality of outcomes for your target population and setting.TOPIC: combating and preventing veterans homelessness
Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
Your application of the PICOT approach to developing your problem statement and the research that you conducted and synthesized in your literature review are the foundation and framework that you will need to successfully build your intervention plan. This plan will lay out specific components of the intervention you are planning to address the need you have identified for the target population and setting. You will justify your approach to the intervention plan by integrating appropriate theoretical foundations. You will also analyze and address the needs of stakeholders, requirements of regulatory bodies, and ethical and legal considerations. It is important to have a sound intervention plan design in place before trying to work on the details of implementation and evaluation.
Note: The assessments in this course are sequenced in such a way as to help you build specific skills that you will use throughout your program. Complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.
You intervention plan design will be the second section of your final project submission. The goal for this is to design a holistic plan that should be able to improve the quality of outcomes for your target population and setting. Provide enough detail so that the faculty member assessing your intervention plan design will be able to provide substantive feedback that you will be able to incorporate into the other project components in this course, as well as into the final draft of your project.
At minimum, be sure to address the bullet points below, as they correspond to the grading criteria. You may also want to read the scoring guide and Guiding Questions: Intervention Plan Design document (linked above) to better understand how each criterion will be assessed. In addition to the bullet points below, provide a brief introduction that refreshes the reader’s memory about your problem statement and the setting and context for this intervention plan.
Reminder: these instructions are an outline. Your heading for this this section should be Intervention Plan Components and not Part 1: Intervention Plan Components.