
 Identify an article that is at least five years old. Summarize the statistical findings and discuss the significant it has on nursing. 

Replies week 5 MSN 5550

 Please replies to these two work with 200 words each one with  a reflection of their response 

FIRST-Screening, a fundamental component of nursing practice, entails administering measures or tests to differentiate individuals who may have a particular condition from those who probably do not. This pivotal healthcare tool offers a multitude of advantages while also presenting some notable disadvantages, requiring nurses to navigate the complexities of its implementation carefully.

One of the most significant advantages of screening in nursing is its potential for early disease detection. This advantage is crucial for conditions like cancer, where earlier identification can significantly improve treatment outcomes (Crosby et al., 2022). By regularly administering screening tests, nurses can identify health issues in their nascent stages, enabling prompt intervention and increasing the likelihood of successful treatment.

Additionally, screening equips nurses to provide preventative care effectively. Healthcare professionals can use screening to find people more likely to develop a specific condition and then take preventative measures to lower that risk. This can entail suggesting dietary adjustments, physical activity, and providing immunizations to lower the chance of contracting an illness. Preventive measures can lower the incidence of various diseases, which can significantly positively impact public health overall.

The potential long-term cost-effectiveness of screening is another benefit. While the initial costs of screening programs might seem high, compared to managing advanced-stage illnesses, early disease detection and treatment frequently necessitate less intensive interventions and resources (van der Aalst et al., 2021). Therefore, early detection and intervention can lead to significant cost savings for patients and healthcare systems, consistent with providing healthcare at a reasonable cost.

Nonetheless, there are some disadvantages to screening in nursing practice. The possibility of false-positive and false-negative results is one major worry. Erroneous results from screening tests can have serious repercussions because they are not perfect (Wikramaratn et al., 2020). False positive results can cause patients to experience needless worry, more diagnostic testing, and higher medical expenses. On the other hand, false negative results may give rise to a false sense of security, postponing required medical intervention and possibly allowing the illness to worsen unchecked.

Another notable disadvantage of screening is the phenomenon of overdiagnosis. Some screening tests may identify conditions that would never have caused harm or required treatment in an individual’s lifetime. This situation can lead to overtreatment, expose patients to unnecessary risks, and escalate healthcare costs. Overdiagnosis underscores the importance of carefully weighing the benefits and harms of screening.

Ethical considerations also loom large in the world of screening. Deciding who should be screened, at what age, and how frequently can be ethically challenging. It involves a delicate balance between potential benefits and harms. In some instances, individuals may feel coerced into screening, infringing on their autonomy and raising ethical dilemmas regarding informed consent.

In conclusion, screening in nursing practice is a powerful tool with a multifaceted impact. Nurses must meticulously evaluate the advantages and disadvantages when implementing screening programs and communicate effectively with patients to make informed decisions. While early disease detection and prevention benefits are undeniable, nurses must also remain cognizant of potential drawbacks to ensure the highest patient care and ethical practice standards.


SECOND-In modern healthcare, health promotion and disease prevention are highly emphasized instead of treatment. The premise is that with prevention, healthcare professionals can detect an individual’s disease risk or identify any healthcare concerns early enough to initiate effective treatment protocols. Screening tests are part of the prevention strategies, and they come with some advantages and disadvantages: 

The most common advantage of screening tests is that they can be used to identify disease at its early stages. Screening tests are usually done on patients who do not feel sick. Such patients may have hidden illnesses developing. However, if the illness is identified, it may be treated early to avoid further complications. For example, cancer may be identified at an early stage before it spreads out to vital organs. Treatment at this stage may have a higher likelihood of better patient outcomes. 

Also, screening tests can be used to detect a disease risk, such as the risk of lung cancer in people who smoke (Krist et al., 2021). If found at risk, the patient may be asked to initiate effective lifestyle changes that protect them from developing the disease. In another example, a blood sample may be used to screen for a patient’s cholesterol levels. If the patient is found with abnormal cholesterol levels, they may be rendered at high risk of heart disease (Mortensen et al., 2023). The healthcare professional may recommend a reduction of cholesterol in the diet to prevent the disease. This suggests that screening tests are quite helpful in detecting disease risks. 

However, screening tests may come with certain disadvantages. For example, specific screening tools may expose patients to harmful health effects. Such tools include X-rays, which may emit high radiation levels and increase the risk of radiation poisoning (Jaglan et al., 2019). 

Another con is that screening tests may not be entirely reliable. This is because there are several cases of false positives or false negatives, which may lead to unnecessary treatments or unmet healthcare needs and additional hefty medical costs. Also, screening tests may expose the healthcare system to poor resource management or allocation, especially if the tests are publicly administered but with less health impact on the participants. The premise of this point is that healthcare systems have limited resources and must make decisions based on opportunity costs. If such decisions are not effective, the health system may be deemed inefficient. Therefore, public health decision-makers need to compare the advantages and disadvantages plus costs before making such decisions.

Medical Ethics

1) You will select a current medical ethics issue to research.

Select a topic related to one of the following current medical ethics issues:

* End of Life

* Eugenics and Human Genetics

* Medical Research

* Reproductive Issues

* Organ Donation and Transplantation

* Public Health Issues

* Access to Health Care

* Biotechnology

2) Complete the template that is posted below.


how to determine the root cause of health equity?

Nutritional Principles in Nursing

Tom Lee


10/26/23, 9:26 PM NEW

Maintaining appropriate nutrition levels is crucial for older adults as it promotes overall health and well-being. However, there are various dietary concerns and barriers that older adults may encounter, which can lead to inadequate nutrition. Reduced physical mobility can make grocery shopping and meal preparation challenging. Older adults live longer, which means ailing health status and increased immobility as they try to maintain their autonomy and self-sufficiency. Access to nutritious foods may be limited, leading to reliance on convenience or processed foods, which are often less healthy. Loneliness or living alone can contribute to poor dietary choices and meal skipping. Eating alone can also reduce the enjoyment of meals. Limited income may lead to difficulty affording nutritious foods, forcing older adults to make compromises on food quality.

Educate the older adult and their caregivers about meal planning and preparation. Encourage them to plan balanced meals and provide assistance or resources for grocery shopping. Meal planning can mitigate some of the limiting factors associated with decreased mobility. Connect the older adult with community resources such as Meals on Wheels or senior meal programs that provide adequate meals. Encourage older adults to increase their social circle if possible. Integrating peers can reduce loneliness and encourage physical and mental activity. Provide them with resources to community centers and assist with activity searches. These teachings and collaborative efforts from the client can improve nutritional health.

Angela Antonczak

10/24/23, 11:24 PM

Top of Form

Nutrition is essential for the body so when older adults have dietary problems and barriers it is very difficult to maintain a healthy diet. The dietary concerns and barriers for an older adult to maintain appropriate nutrition levels are physical difficulties and medical conditions are two examples that are extremely difficult for older adults. Elderly people age and so does the immune system so when it weakens they get more prone to health issues. Obesity is a big problem for elderly people with diabetes type 2 because they are overweight. They might have to limit their sugar intake so they don’t have to take insulin shots. Another is osteoporosis when an older person has calcium deficiency or low calcium levels in their diet. My aunt had this disease and it hurt when she walked. She was told to take a calcium supplement, but she refused to take anything. Maintaining an healthy diet in general is extremely difficult for elderly people because they might be set in their own ways of eating which is a difficult thing like my family was. If older patients do not take consideration for their health and nutrition then they are at risk for many health related complications like heart disease from high fat content consumption. The two client teaching and nursing interventions for prevention of nutritional deficits as well as the consequences of inadequate nutrition and hydration are for nurses to teach the patient about their nutritional needs as far as a strict diet if they are suffering high blood pressure or eating way too much sugar. They should promote physical activity in their ADLs or some form of exercise to help maintain a healthy weight balance. The fluid intake should be limited if a person is suffering from pneumonia or edema which can result to more fluid intake especially if they are having renal failure. The kidneys are at risk because they can’t function normally and filter the blood properly and maintain normal urine. Staying hydrated is essential for the body but for some elderly they must reduce their fluids due to complications. When an older person has inadequate food they are can be at risk for malnutrition which is harmful for the body since an elderly can find it difficult to eat food properly or skip meals due to lack of appetite or no flavor in their meals. 

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Case study MSN5600L

 review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references.  All answers to case studies must-have reference cited in the text for each answer and a minimum of 2 Scholarly References (Journals, books) (No websites)  per case Study  

Attached you can find both case study

Organizational Structures: Functional, Service Line, Matrix, & Flat


Goal: To analyze the four types of Organizational Structures.

Content Requirements:

  1. Identify and describe each type of organizational structure (functional, service line, matrix and flat)
  2. Create an organizational chart for each organizational structure discussed above and describe which one applies to the clinical site or your work environment.
  3. Develop simple mission statements that could be supported by each type of structure and present a rationale for their selection of the type of structure.

Submission Instructions:

  • is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  •  is to be 3 – 4 pages in length, excluding the title, and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
  •  should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)

Pediatric cases

Please see the attachment for the instructions

Nursing homework help

A 60-year-old male patient is admitted with chest pain to the telemetry unit where you work. While having a bowel movement on the bedside commode, the patient becomes short of breath and diaphoretic. The ECG waveform shows bradycardia.

What other assessment findings should you anticipate?

Why does this patient probably have bradycardia?

Does this dysrhythmia need treatment?

Why or why not?

What intervention would you implement first?

What is the drug treatment and dosage of choice for symptomatic bradycardia?

How does this drug increase heart rate?

This assignment is to be completed using APA format. Please use complete sentences to answer the questions. Ensure that you are using correct grammar. In additions, support your answers by using your textbooks, scholarly journals, and credible Internet sources. All citations must be in APA format. The body of your submission must be at least 350 words.