Entries by Submit My Essay


APPLYING EI TO SALUTOGENESIS IN COLLEGIAL RELATIONSHIPS Collegial relationships, based on professional role interaction and shared values, commitment, and hardship can also be salutogenic. Two nurses who don’t “get along” may find common ground (meaning) in shared commitment to solving a particularly difficult patient problem. A doctor and nurse may find new respect and a […]

bad 4,1

Describe a change initiative  that was implemented in a healthcare setting (your own work setting, from the literature or from the experiences of other professional nurses) that resulted in conflict, chaos or crisis (use fictitious names for people and organizations). Discuss the change initiative,  how the change was implemented, by whom, and the outcome. In […]


Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you critically appraised in Module 4, related to your clinical topic of interest and PICOT.    Article #1 Zhou, X., Guo, J., Lu, G., Chen, C., Xie, Z., Liu, J., & Zhang, C. (2020). Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on anxiety symptoms in young people: A systematic review and […]

Health Assessment 9

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Thank You Letter Guidelines:  ·  Layout: o Submit a word document  o Use Calibri (body) font, size 12, black o Single spaced o Set margins to: top 2”; bottom 1”; left 0.7”; right 0.7” o Please limit your letter to one page! o Typically 2-3 paragraphs, with around 300-500 words ·  Information to include: o Make sure to include your […]


NUR2092 WRITE-UP—HEALTH HISTORY Classroom Assignment Week Two Date __________________________ Examiner ______________________ 1. Biographic Data Name _______________________________________________ Phone________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ Birthdate ________________________________ Birthplace _________________________________ Age __________ Gender __________ Marital Status ______________ Occupation _______________ Race/ethnic origin __________________________________ Employer ________________________ 2 . Source and Reliability 3. Reason for Seeking Care 4. Present Health or History of Present Illness Past […]