
Thank You Letter Guidelines: 

·  Layout:

o Submit a word document 

o Use Calibri (body) font, size 12, black

o Single spaced

o Set margins to: top 2”; bottom 1”; left 0.7”; right 0.7”

o Please limit your letter to one page!

o Typically 2-3 paragraphs, with around 300-500 words

·  Information to include:

o Make sure to include your name and the name of the scholarship you are receiving.

§ You could say something like “My name is Kyrah Coone and I am a 2023 recipient of the Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship in the VCU School of Nursing. Thank you so much for making this scholarship possible!”

o Say thank you! Remember you are able to receive this scholarship because of the donor(s) you are writing to. This is your opportunity to show your appreciation.

o Make sure to include Dear Donor and Sincerely, your name

·  Things you could write about:

o Your career aspirations (PMHNP)

o Why you chose VCU for your college education

o Why you choose nursing

o How are you enjoying VCU School of Nursing so far

o How this scholarship impacts your life and education